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Q: How do you use the soil in 5 ways?
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What are some ways people use soil?

use it to plant stuff

What are three ways soil can be sustained?

There are many ways in which soil can be sustained. You can use it for gardening, keep it moist, or plant patches of grass.

In what ways can soil be alike?

In what ways can soil be alike

What are the other ways of preserving soil fertility?

by avoiding too much use of fertilizer

Ways in which you use volcanic soil?

you can make pots and pans. it can start wild fires though.

What two ways you use soil for natural resources?

1.Soil makes food for animals for them to eat.2.Plants makes oxygen for us and soil help plants grow.

How you can measure the volume of underground water?

Hydrologists measure the volume of underground water in two ways. First, they use direct soil physics to estimate, and secondly, they use soil's physical parameters.

What are two ways that nutrients and minerals are lost from soil?

There are several ways that nutrient minerals are lost from the soil. The overuse of the soil in farming, natural weather inclinations and over population are just some of the ways.

How are soil nitrates replaced?

Soil nitrates are replaced in various ways. One of the most common ways to replace soil nitrate is by suing synthetic fertilizers.

What are two ways in witch the value of soil can be reduced?

The two ways in which the value of soil can be reduced are: when the soil loses its fertility and when topsoil is lost due to erosion.

What are several ways to improve the growth of a household plant?

Use soil instead of dirt and use aqua globes instead of watering cans. Also, you can add a fertilizer with the right amount of nutrients that the soil is missing.

What are the two ways in which the value of soil can be reduced?

Fertile soil is valuable because there is a limited supply. Less than one eighth of land on Earth has soil that are well suited for farming. The thick, fertile soil of the prairies took many thousands of years to develop. The two ways that the value of soil can be reduced is help use soil correctly, peanuts were once a corp to help soil, and still can be. The soil value recycle rocks and bedrock. I'm the Contributor