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Q: How do you write 2.78 to the thousandths place?
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How do you write thousandths?

If you wanted to write 5 thousandths, that would be: 0.005 The first zero after the decimal (.) is the tenths place, the second the hundredths place, and the third the thousandths place.

How do you write nine hundred twenty thousandths as a decimal?

The third place to the right of the decimal is the thousandths place. We have nine hundred twenty thousandths= 920 thousandths, so we we write it .920

How do you write 648 thousandths?

The thousandths place is 3 after the decimal place. That is, 1 thousandth would be 0.001 To write any number of thousandths, you put the unit of that number in the thousandths place, the tens of the number in the tenths place, and so on. In this case, we want to write 648 thousandths, so that would be written as 0.648

How do you write eight hundred and eighty thousandths?

9.688 688 thousandths is like this. the first place after the decimal is tenths, then it is hundredths for the second place and thousandths for the third place.

How do you write nine ten-thousandths as a decimal?

The first place after (to the right of) the decimal point is occupied by tenths, the second place by hundredths, the third place by thousandths and the fourth place by ten thousandths. nine ten-thousandths is 0.0009

How do you write nine and six hundred eighty-eight thousandths?

9.688 688 thousandths is like this. the first place after the decimal is tenths, then it is hundredths for the second place and thousandths for the third place.

How do you write 0.9 as a decimal equivalent to a decimal using thousandths placement?

0.9 in thousandths place = 0.900

How would you write six and twenty one hundred thousandths in decimal form?

6.00021 The first decimal place is tenths, then hundredths, thousandths, ten-thousandths, hundred-thousandths, etc. 21 hundred-thousandths must end in the hundred-thousandths place.

How do you write two and six thousandths in standard form?

You can either write it as 2.006 (the six is in the 'thousandths' place) or in fractional form 2 6/1000.

Write a decimal that has a 6 in the tenths place and an 8 in the ten thousandths place?


How do you write five ten thousandths as a deciamal?

this is 5/10000. Put a 5 in the 'ten thousandths' place which is the fourth place to the right of the decimal: 0.0005

How do you write 278 in roman numerals?

It is: 278 = CCLXXVIII