


Updated: 9/25/2023
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How does an increase in wind speed affect evaporation?

By carrying away moisture the wind allows air with a greater ability to absorb evaporation and so increased evaporation will occur (until equilibrium in vapor pressure is reached).

What 2 factors speed up evaporation?

Heat, altitude, and moisture content in the air are factors which may effect the speed of evaporation.

How does the amount of water vapor in the air affect evaporation?

The evaporation is less important if the atmosphere is humid.

How does wind affect the evaporation of water?

it speeds it, as the extra speed of the air molecules tends to knock more water molecules off the surface of the body of water

Does air and water affect evaporation?

Evaporation is the transformation of a liquid in a gas at a temperature under the boiling point.

How does wind speed affect cooling of sweat?

a higher wind speed causes the saturated air around the sweating object to be dislocated and thus the sweating process, evaporation of water molecules, will be more efficient.

How wind affect rate of evaporation?

A strong warm wind will speed up evaporation giving us higher rates of evaporation in compared to a still cool day

How wind affect the rate of evaporation?

A strong warm wind will speed up evaporation giving us higher rates of evaporation in compared to a still cool day

If the air was saturated would evaporation speed up or slow down?


Does the type of container affect the evaporation?

Evaporation only happens at the surface. So a wider container that allows for a greater surface to be in contact with air, the faster the evaporation.

How does increase in temperature surface area wind speed affect evaporation?

These are all variables used to calculate evaporation rate: The larger the surface area the higher the evaporation (rate) The higher the wind speed the higher the evaporation (rate) The higher the temperature the higher the evaporation (rate) The higher the relative humidity the lower the evaporation (rate)

What will affect the rate of evaporation?

Assuming you are referring to a liquid exposed to air, then the factors affecting the evaporation are the temperature, and the air pressure. In a real-life situation, the presence of waves would also increase the evaporation rate.