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DNA is the brains of the cell and tells it what to do, much like the human brain controls the function of the body.

There is no actual "control". The arrangement of proteins on the gene determine how a cell is structured and what it does.

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13y ago
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12y ago

The deoxyribonucleic acid or DNA, found within the nucleus of the cell is responsible for controlling the human genetic traits as well as traits in all living things. The DNA controls the A,T,G,C strands which are primarily the DNA's bitches. The DNA keeps them tight on a leash and they get the whip whenever they step out of line. The DNA is also quick to bust a cap in any intruders which try to invade their cell. This is how the DNA controls the cells.

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8y ago

The DNA in the chromosomes specifies how to make every protein used in the cell (proteins do the work of living things) and specifies the conditional enabling/disabling of its own genes (analogous to the decision making tests in a computer program).

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12y ago

DNA controls cell functions by controlling protein synthesis. The proteins that are synthesized according to the DNA code function to control and regulate all aspects of the cell's activities.

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15y ago

DNA is the brains of the cell and tells it what to do, much like the human brain controls the function of the body.

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9y ago

DNA controls the activities of cells by regulating the order of amino acids in protein molecules.

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Q: How does DNA control a cell's structure and function?
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What is the function of nucleaus?

The nucleus contains the DNA and so directs many of the functions of the cell.

Are the cells the same and why?

The DNA of cells in the same organism will be the same if no mutations occur. The only diffferences from your hair cells to your muscle cells is the structure of the cell. The structure of a cell gives the cell it's function.

Relationship between structure and function of nucleus?

The relationship between the structure and function of the nucleus is that the nucleus is an enclosed organelle and is large enough to hold the DNA. This is important because the nucleus must hold and protect the cells DNA.

How proteins help the support the structure and function of DNA?

DNA is packaged very tight by proteins. Proteins found around the DNA supports both the structure and functions. The proteins and the DNA make up the chromosomes. Proteins and DNA in animal cells are chromatin! DNA contains information because of the DNA's structure!

Is DNA a vestigial structure?

No. DNA is not a vestigial structure as it has not ceased to function

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The majority of DNA in our body is non-coding, meaning it does not directly provide instructions for making proteins. This non-coding DNA is involved in regulating gene expression, controlling cell functions, and maintaining the structure of chromosomes.

What is cell nucleus function?

Nucleus: The control center for all the cells activities. It contains the chromosomes (DNA)

What are structures in cells that control or carry genes called?

Structures in cells that control or carry genes are called chromosomes. Chromosomes are thread-like structures made of DNA and protein that are located in the nucleus of a cell. They contain the genetic information that is passed from one generation to the next.

What structure (shape ) does DNA have?

DNA takes a double-helix shape, coiling itself around. It mostly serves to inform cells of how to function, with genes helping to determine this.

What cells can live without DNA?

There are no known cells that can live without DNA. DNA contains the genetic information necessary for cellular function, including the production of proteins and the regulation of cell processes. Without DNA, cells would not be able to replicate, maintain their structure, or carry out the essential functions required for survival.

Explain how the structure of DNA relates to its function.?

  The structure of DNA relates to its function greatly as the covalent bonds form the backbone of the DNA and provide the overall structure while the weak hydrogen bonds allow the DNA to unzip when needed to undergo replication.

What carries the code to control the cell?

your probably talking about the nucleus containing DNA which tells the cell what to be like and do. the function of the cell is programmed into its dna.