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Q: How does Discovery tool work?
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What tool made possible the discovery of additional planets?

The Telescope

Why do scientist use the rock cycle?

It helps in the understanding of natural processes, and is an invaluable tool in the exploration and discovery of valuable Natural Resources.

Why is experimentation a tool of scientific discovery?

The word discovery itself implies experimentation. Scientific discovery involves research, practice, comparisons, priorities, salient results. Without routine and specified experimentation, there could be little scientific discovery.

What does network discovery do?

Network discovery is a scanning tool that allows 2 devices to recognise each other. This can be compared to bluetooth capabilities of smart phones where they can share data.

What is desposition?

A deposition is a tool in the discovery process, where one party to a lawsuit interviews a witness about their testimony, and it is recorded.

What is a scientific discovery that simplifies work?


Why do you need more than one scientist to make a discovery?

Because no scientific work is considered a "discovery" until it has been independently verified by several other scientists in different places. If their work verifies the original claim, then it is indeed, a "discovery" by the first scientist in question. If the work of the other scientists cannot verify it, or vary wildly from the first scientist's work, then it is not a new "discovery".

How do you get blend to work in paint tool sai?

The blur tool should work at its default settings But most artist use the 'water' tool because it looks better when you blend with it.

What is difference between a process and tool?

Process=procedure Tool=an implement to do work.

How do you get door locks to work on landrover discovery 3?

my discovery 3 rear door lock will not lock with remote

What does it mean if someone calls you a tool?

A tool is something that is used to do work. A person who is "a tool" is someone who is controlled by someone else, and is doing some kind of dirty work that the other person does not want to do.

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what is the basic unit of work