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Q: How does Jefferson use the declaration to convince the world that the social contract between the colonists and the british government has been broken?
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What did Thomas Jefferson say in the Declaration about the right of governments to rule?

Thomas said that within the social contract both the government and the people have things to abide by.

What is the role of thomas Jefferson in relation to Locke and Hobbes and the social contract?

Jefferson read Locke and put his thinking in the Declaration .

The Declaration of Independence was influence by?

The Enlightenment and John Locke's ideas of natural rights and social contract.

What was the Kentucky resolution?

Resolutions passed in Kentucky and Virginia in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. The resolutions said that government was overstepping its bounds and violating the idea of a contract with the people. This idea of a contract was the basis for the Declaration of Independence. Both Resolutions were written by Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration and founder of the Democratic-Republican Party.

What was the Virginia Kentucky resolutions?

Resolutions passed in Kentucky and Virginia in response to the Alien and Sedition Acts. The resolutions said that government was overstepping its bounds and violating the idea of a contract with the people. This idea of a contract was the basis for the Declaration of Independence. Both Resolutions were written by Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration and founder of the Democratic-Republican Party.

The declaration of independence restated the contract theory of government developed by?

T. Paine

Which document is closely associated with john Locke's social contract theory government?

declaration of independence

Shows the decided influence of John Locke and the social contract theory of government?

The Declaration of Independence

The seeds of the Declaration of Independence and the American Revolution can be found in this theory of government?

social contract theory

Who is Enlightenment ideas of unalienable rights and a social contract were incorporated into Thomas Jefferson's Declaration of Independence?

read and youll might find it retardd

The Declaration of Independence (1776) has had a major influence on people throughout the world because it?

Answer: provides justification for revolting against unjust governments. The Declaration of Independence was influenced by Enlightenment Philosopher john Locke. John Locke believed that all men were entitled to life, liberty and property. Thomas Jefferson used the ideas of Natural Rights as proposed by Locke. Philosopher John Locke's ideas were an important influence on the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson restated Locke's contract theory of government when he wrote in the Declaration that governments derived "their just Powers from the consent of the people."

How did john Locke inspire the Founding Fathers?

john Locke was political philosopher and a proponent of natural law, and limited government. These two ideas that greatly influenced the Founding Fathers. Locke's ideas are reflected in both the Declaration of Independence, and the US Constitution.