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Mainly through her music Miley inspires people but also by what she does. Like joining causes, recently she participated in the Hati's fundraiser. She does a great deal of things to help the less fortunate people.

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14y ago
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12y ago

she has done a lot for kids, lots love her movies suck as the climb,her movie and the t.v. sires. she is very famous but has had rough times but has gotten much better after hocking up with her boy friend which she met when they did the movie the climb.

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9y ago

Miley Cyrus is influential due to her fame and past roles as a teenage role model.
I think it's because alot of people like her and her music. (though I personally don't really like her.)

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13y ago

umm... person miley is like the importantist person on the planet!

all because of her singing and her acting career .1

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12y ago

She's not. She's a bad example for young women around the world, a terrible, auto-tune abusing tramp.

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Where does Miley Cyrus get her layouts for MySpace?

Her Team (Mangers and Others) Make Them for her.

What does Miley Cyrus dislikes?

Miley Cyrus knous it!

Miley Cyrus is a Filipino?

is miley cyrus is a filipino?

Miley Cyrus is a Muslim?

No, Miley Cyrus is not Muslim.

What is miley Cyrus now?

She's Miley Cyrus

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Is Justin Bieber another Miley Cyrus alter ego?

Nope. Justin B. was discovered on YouTube and Miley Cyrus had nothing to do with it. she did not inspire him, she didn't even know him 'til now.

Are there fans that hate Miley Cyrus?

Yes there are many people who hate Miley Cyrus, they even created a Miley Cyrus haters club. However, there are certainly others who do not dislike her as well.

Does Miley Cyrus really care for others?

YES she does.

Who are the characters in Hannah Montana and their real names?

miley Stewart is Miley Cyrus robbie ray Cyrus is robbie ray Cyrus .....i don't know others!!

How does Miley Cyrus affect others?

she got lots of fans

How many others played Hannah Montana before Miley Cyrus?

Miley Cyrus originated the role of Miley Stewart / Hannah Montana, and has appeared on the show for 4 seasons.

Is Miley Cyrus a k ind sensitive girl?

Some believe Miley Cyrus to be heartless, ruthless, or to just not care about anything but herself. This is not the case. Though she does state that she doesn't care what other people think of her because she is always going to be who she is, Miley is a beautiful person. She is kind, generous, and sensitive to other people's feelings and does her best to inspire others to be themselves and see the beauty within.

Where does Miley Cyrus get her layouts for MySpace?

Her Team (Mangers and Others) Make Them for her.

Is Miley Cyrus a popstar or a rockstar?

Miley Cyrus is a popstar Miley Cyrus is a popstar

What are Miley Cyrus names?

Miley cyrus

Is Miley Cyrus a man?

No absolutley not. Miley Cyrus is really a man.

What does Miley Cyrus' mom do?

Miley Cyrus's mom is Miley's manager.