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He was the fat kid, social outcast..

Piggy is a pseudo adult, the voice of reason who sees things for a pragmatic and scientific viewpoint. He is less prone to wild flights of imagination than the other boys which makes he seem rather boring to them. He is in effect the conscience of the boys.

-----> correct answer: Piggy is the hefty boy with glasses. he represents all that is good along with Simon and for some of the time Ralph. He eventually gets killed by Roger pushing a bolder down the mountain. Piggy and Simon are killed in a similar way, they are both washed out to sea and their deaths means evil has taken over on the island

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14y ago
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12y ago

Piggy and Ralph form a great team. I say this because Piggy is the brains behind every operation while Ralph has the courage to act it out. In a way, they are both dependent on each other to survive on the island.

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14y ago

Quoting directly from the book, Piggy is described as... 'He was shorter than the fair boy (Ralph) and very fat... and then looked up through thick spectacles.' Later in the book his hair is described as a being thin, as if his natural state was baldness, and it doesn't alter much in length over the course of the book, unlike the hair of the other boys. Piggy wears a 'greasy wind breaker' and suffers from Asthma.

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14y ago

Piggy is the symbol of adulthood, civilization and reason.

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12y ago

Piggy finds the conch. Piggy comes up with idea of rules and his intelligence benefits Ralph. Piggy's glasses are used to light the rescue fire.

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11y ago

nothing really he lays on some rock while Ralph and jack argue with each other along with Simon entering the conversation occasionally

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Emma Sentilles

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2y ago

In chapter 1 page 1 it goes straight into describing them. It describes piggy as short and stubby and fat with short hair.

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Q: How does Piggy help Ralph in his job as a leader in lord of the flies?
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In Lord of the Flies how does maurice suggest they make smoke?

Lord of the flies. chapter 2. help?!?1.what rule does concerning the conch is made?2.what does piggy attempt to call the group's attention to?3. how does the talk of the "beasties" affect the boys?4. at this time, Ralph says the boys appear to have 2 goals. what are they?5. hwo does the group react to Ralph's suggestion that they build a fire? how does piggy describe their actions?6. how does piggy treat a small boy? what does that tell us about piggy?7. how do they manage to start the fire?8.what responsibility has jack taken on for his choir?9. what goes wrong? do you see any symbolism here? what is going on in the adult world at the time?10. who is missing?

What do Sam and Eric give to Ralph in Lord of the Flies?

nothing beside help and support

What are some jobs Ralph assigned to the boys in Lord of the flies?

At the beginning of chapter 10 Robert was on guard duty, in charge of levering a boulder from the top of castle rock on to any would be attacker or the beast. A little later Jack selected Robert and Roger to accompany him on a raid to 'get fire from the others,' which resulted in the theft of Piggy's glasses.

In lord of the flies chapter 4 what do the first two paragrahps describe?

The first toe paragraphs were about Ralph, Simon, and Piggy were more likely making shelter for everybody to live in and where they can sleep but jack went out to go hunt for food like pig and not help with the shelter.

List 5 reasons Piggy is an outsider in Lord of the Flies?

1) Piggy is very fat, the only boy who is mentioned as being fat on the island.2) Piggy is the only boy on the island who wears glasses.3) Piggy has asthma and he is also lazy so he doesn't take part on any activities such as doing any work of even swimming or playing.4) Piggy thinks that he is very intelligent and talks down to the other boys as if he were an adult.5) Piggy talks differently to the other boys, saying things such as 'I dunno' and 'I seen one like that before.' He was initially wearing a greasy wind-breaker and he lived with his auntie in a sweet shop. Piggy is from a lower class than the rest of the boys.

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How does piggy help Ralph in his job as leader Lord of the flies?

he f0cks himself

In lord of the flies how does piggy help ralph in his job as leader?

Piggy supports Ralph as the voice of reason, offering logical advice and ideas to help maintain order and prioritize survival on the island. He acts as Ralph's closest advisor and confidant, providing intellectual and moral support throughout their leadership challenges.

Why is piggy's death important in Lord of the flies?

because they need rescued and when piggy was there he made an effort to the make fire. and he help to Ralph for rescued and he was for Ralph mate.

Who defends defends Piggy from Jack for not helping with the fire in lord of the flies?

Ralph defends Piggy from Jack when he refuses to help with the fire. Ralph argues that Piggy contributes by thinking and suggesting ideas, even if he is physically unable to help. Ralph recognizes Piggy's value to the group beyond just physical labor.

Who are the bigun's who have remained with Ralph?

Piggy and Samneric are the two "biguns" who have remained with Ralph throughout the novel "Lord of the Flies." They provide support to Ralph in his leadership role and help maintain order among the group.

In Lord of the Flies how does Ralph respond to Piggy's practical suggestions to have a meeting?

Ralph initially dismisses Piggy's suggestions, but later realizes their importance in maintaining order among the boys on the island. He eventually comes to rely on Piggy's practicality and intellect to help him govern the group.

What do you think piggy is prepared to reveal so many personal things to Ralph who is complete stranger?

Piggy sees Ralph as a potential ally and leader on the island. He values Ralph's intelligence and leadership qualities, which makes him feel comfortable opening up and forming a bond with him. Piggy likely believes that sharing personal information will help him gain Ralph's trust and support in their survival efforts.

Who are the boys who stay with Ralph in chapter 8?

In chapter 8 of "Lord of the Flies," the boys who stay with Ralph are Simon, Piggy, and Samneric. They choose to remain loyal to Ralph and help him maintain order on the island.

Who were the other two that helped keep the fire burning in lord of flies?

The other two characters who helped keep the fire burning in "Lord of the Flies" were Piggy and Simon. Piggy was responsible for suggesting the idea of using Piggy's glasses to light the fire, while Simon helped to gather wood for the fire.

Who are the three boys left with Ralph in chapter ten?

In chapter ten of "Lord of the Flies," the three boys left with Ralph are Piggy, Sam, and Eric. They support Ralph in his leadership role and help him in his confrontation with Jack and his tribe.

What brings Ralph into closer sympathy with piggy in Lord of the Flies?

In Chapter 5, Ralph says that Piggy can think things through, and how he has all his ideas lined up in his head. Hear is an excerpt:Once more that evening Ralph had to adjust his values. Piggy could think. He could go step by step inside that fat head of his, only Piggy was no chief. But Piggy, for all his ludicrous body, had brains.This shows that Piggy would be heard more if people could see past his weight.Hope this help

What does Ralph mean when he asks piggy what's wrong?

Ralph is inquiring about Piggy's well-being and trying to show concern for his friend. He is acknowledging that something appears to be troubling Piggy and wants to know how he can help or support him.