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Q: How does Superman outsmart his enemies?
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Who has more enemies batman or Superman?

i think that Superman doesw cause he is AB ALIEN

Who has tried to kill Superman with a kryptonite bullet?

Metallo has tried in Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

Is Batman stronger than Superman?

The answer is yes, definitely. Superman is more powerful than Batman an various ways. Nevertheless, Superman is know to be the man of steel and will always stand first among all Superheroes. Superman flies and goes around rapidly, shoots an intense mortal beam from his eyes, freezes anyone with ice from his mouth, terminates his enemies by spinning in a mighty tornado, has the ability to put down a huge building with his super-breath, can send 50 hits in one consecutive seconds, scenes danger, has supervision and is considered to be immortal. On the other hand, Batman does nothing besides kicking, punching and using tools to destroys his enemies. Obviously, Superman wins.

Who is the bigger superhero batman or Superman?

It depends, batman and superman are enemies! they dont like each other. so it depends on the fight, sometimes superman wins and sometimes batman wins. now this doesnt mean that they're bad superheros, they are still good, but they just compete with each other.

All versions of Superman?

utimate superman (strongest) superman prime one million superman prime superboy prime sowrd of superman cosmic armor superman all star superman sun dipped superman aplopit cyborg superman evil cyborg superman cyborg superman steel superman modern age blue superman eradicator superman red/blue ultraman bizzoro ad superman ga superman sa superman green latern superman pre crisis superman (weakest)

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Who has more enemies batman or Superman?

i think that Superman doesw cause he is AB ALIEN

Who has tried to kill Superman with a kryptonite bullet?

Metallo has tried in Superman/Batman: Public Enemies

How would Bugs Bunny outsmart his enemies?

bugs bunny outsmarts his enemies because his enemies are just not very smart ,they use dynamite bugs bunny just throws it back before it explodes

What movie titles include the word Superman?

Superman Superman Returns Superman II Superman III Superman IV: The Quest for Peace Waiting for Superman Superman/Doomsday The Batman Superman Movie: World's Finest Superman/Batman: Public Enemies Superman/Batman: Apocalypse All-Star Superman Leaving Metropolis (which was called 'Poor Superman' in Canada)

Why is General Zod not the archnemesis for Superman when he is actually from his home planet and even has ties with his late father?

Because Lex Luthor was created before him and has the brain to outsmart Superman whereas General Zod is just an evil version of him.

When was the movie 'Superman Batman Public Enemies' released on DVD?

September 29, 2009

Who is the character poison ivy's enemies?

Batman, in some cases Superman (Batman Hush).

What part of speech is outsmart?

Outsmart is a verb.

Who has worse enemies batman or Superman?

Superman because he has the power to fly and alot of other things too.(Batman only has a utility belt), Batman's nemesis is the Joker. Superman's is a little guy in a bowler hat, from another dimension.

Are Superman and batman enemies?

No- they are both superheroes and sometimes even work together. They do have their major differences with eachother- Superman represents American justice as Batman represents dark vengeance.

When was Outsmart Your Genes created?

Outsmart Your Genes was created in 2011.

Who would win in this battle- Superman vs batman and Spider-Man?

Superman is far stronger, faster and more powerfull than either batman or spiderman, whilst Batman would be able to outsmart the more powerfull spiderman, the fact that superman can move planets and is faster than a speeding bullett means even if batman wanted to get out his kryptonite ring....he wouldn't be fast enough