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Terrace farming are step-like features. These step-like are usually cut out of mountainous areas. Using these method, it prevents rain from washing away soil, hence preventing soil erosion.

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Q: How does Terrace farming decrease soil erosion?
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How is soil erosion dealt with in zimbabwe?

One of the main ways for dealing with soil erosion in Zimbabwe is through terrace farming. Terrace farming makes reduces the amount soil erosion when compared with farming on flat land.

What farming practices minimize soil loss?

Terrace farming minimizes soil erosion.

What were the advantages of terrace farming?

prevents soil erosion

How do farmers protect their soil from erosion?

Terrace Farming

One method that farmers use to reduce soil erosion is to?

they use terrace farming

What kind of farming is done in hilly areas to protect soil erosion?

Terrace Farming or terracing is effective in conserving the soil and increasing fertility.

Why is terrace farming necessary to grow crops in the mountains?

Terrace farming is necessary on mountains to help prevent soil erosion. If the soil were tilled up the side of the mountain all of soil would wash away to the bottom.

Why terrace farming is practiced in the Himalayas?

Terrace farming is done to make use of hillsides. This is done because the slopes are too steep for farming. Terraced hillsides help to reduce erosion and surface runoff. This helps to keep the soil in place on the hillsides.

What steps taken to control soil erosion in hilly areas?

Plough around the hill, staying always at the same height a.s.l. This is called contour ploughing.

Is no-till farming and contour farming two examples of preventing soil erosion?

Yes. No-till farming and contour farming are two examples of preventing soil erosion.

Why was terrace farming important to Incans?

Terrace farming was important to the Incas because it allowed them to cultivate crops on steep mountain slopes, maximizing available arable land for agriculture. This method of farming helped the Inca civilization to sustain their population by increasing food production and mitigating the challenges of farming in a mountainous region.

What can people do to help soil erosion?

we need to plant trees. trees' roots hold the soil tightly to prevent erosion. terrace farming can be done. when stairs are carved and plants are grown, they take the soil and the roughness stops the erosion. contour farming can be done. rows of trees can be grown, so the flow of wind breaks. apply mulch(a layer of substance to retain moisture and prevent dryness)