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it expands and ur bf

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1w ago

Thermal expansion causes dental waxes to expand when heated, making them more malleable and easier to manipulate. Conversely, thermal contraction occurs when the wax cools, causing it to harden and maintain its shape. Understanding these properties is important when working with dental waxes to create accurate dental impressions and prostheses.

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Q: How does Thermal expansion and contraction affect dental waxes?
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What are the chemical and physical properties of dental amalgam?

coefficient of thermal expansion chemical would be Galvanism,

Two examples of thermal conductivity relating to dentistry?

Dental amalgam, a common dental material, has high thermal conductivity, allowing for efficient transfer of heat away from the tooth during filling procedures. The use of dental handpieces that have insulated sleeves to reduce heat generation during procedures helps maintain patient comfort and prevent thermal damage to surrounding tissues.

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All dental filling materials have a different coefficient of thermal expansion than natural tooth structure. Some are closer than others, but none are identical. A couple of things come into play -- one is that teeth flex slightly -- if teeth were totally brittle, and had no "give" they would always break as soon as there was a temperature difference. A second factor is that coefficient of thermal expansion depends on the amount of material -- i.e. larger/wider/longer fillings will shrink and expand more than smaller ones. In practice, fillings tend to be fairly small, so the expansion/contraction is small, and usually not clinically significant. The third major factor is that they still do expand/contract at different rates, and sometimes the result is microleakage. Microleakage is the leakage that happens between the filling material and the liner or adhesive layer that is on the tooth. Again, this is typically not a clinically significant problem, and has been researched quite extensively. The closest class of materials in terms of coefficient of thermal expansion are glass ionomer materials, followed by gold, then amalgam, and the worst is composite (at least in terms of thermal expansion). When choosing a material for a restoration, there are multiple factors, and there is not a "one size fits all" or a single best material that is perfect in all cases.

Can you make expansion of dental arch if there is no cross bite?

Why would you need to then? Expansion of dental arch is to relieve crowding, so that when the decidious tooth comes out, there will be room for the permanent tooth that is following close behind. Very important to check articulation, so as not to cause TMJ problems.

What is an orthodontic expansion?

rapid or slow , bony or dental or in combination to cover inter arch or intra arch occlusal or facial discripancies

Examples of thermal conductivity relating to dentistry?

In dentistry, thermal conductivity is important in the design and selection of dental materials like ceramic crowns and fillings. Materials with higher thermal conductivity can transmit hot and cold sensations more rapidly, affecting patient comfort and sensitivity. Dental lasers use thermal conductivity to deliver precise heat energy to tissues for procedures like gum recontouring or teeth whitening. The ability of the laser to selectively target tissues based on their thermal conductivity allows for more precise and effective treatments with less damage to surrounding areas.

What is a sample sentence of contraction and possession with an apostrophe?

Example sentence for contractions:I can't go with you, I've got a dental appointment.Example sentence for possession:The dentist's office is on Third Street.

Can hyperventilation cause someone to hear too loudly and affect vision can metal dental implants add to hyperventilation does metal attract oxygen can the size of implants affect breathing?

1. Yes, hyperventilation can affect hearing and vision. 2. No, dental implants can not unless the person is anxious and then hyperventilates. So this becomes a mental issue. 3. No. These types of dental implants can not attract oxygen. Otherwise all of us who have them would have similar problems. 4. Perhaps the size can affect breathing. Talk to your dentist. Perhaps there is swelling from these if they are new.

Can adults wear teeth expander?

Expansion of maxillary arch can be achieved in adult. However, actual bone movement will be much less compared to treatment in growing patient. Satisfactory dental movement can still be achieved. If large amount of expansion is needed, surgical assistance will be needed. Some new types of braces (self-ligating) are more efficient in expanding dental arches. Expansion can only give moderate space to relieve crowding. It has little effect on reducing protrusion or overbite (buck teeth).

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A dental bur isn't going to affect an elderly person in any different way than a younger person, provided their teeth are in good condition.

How does illicit drug use affect dental surgery?

Answer Depending on what drugs you are using the dental surgeron may not be able to put you to sleep because you have a high rate of tolerence to drugs and you should tell the surgeon before he works on you.

Is biting your cheek a side effect of dental anaesthesia?

no its not a side affect, its an affect of your ignorance. your not supposed to chew until it wears off.unless it lasts a week more than the 5 hours dentists claim it lasts.