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Q: How does a convection current transport energy across the globe?
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Is a convection current the same as a convection?

Yes. Convection is a type of energy and a convection current is, well, the phrase for its currents. So yeah, convection and convection current are the same.

What are the three processes that transport energy?

It is radiation, convection, and conduction

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What is a pattern of flowing heat energy?

a convection current

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convection current

Convection is important in stars because it?

Mixes gases of the star and Transport energy outward

What does heat and energy have to do with convection?

A convection current is when hot air rises, and cool air fall, creating convection.~Britney, 7th

Give a real life analogy to diffrentiate between passive transport?

Active Transport : requires energy -- materials move across membrane from low to high concentration -- When a bolder is being pushed up a hill it requires energy from the object pushing it, thus it is active.Passive Transport: does NOT require energy -- materials move across membrane from high to low concentration -- When a bolder rolls down a hill it doesnt require energy thus it is Passive.

What uses energy from the high-energy electrons to transport hydrogen across the thylakoid membrane?

Electron transport chain

What kind of transport across a membrane does not require energy?

Passive Transport, doesn't require energy.