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I don't understand. A guinea pig cannot mate (successfully) until it is 7 month old.

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Q: How does a guinea pig mate with a male guinea pig after 3 to 4 months?
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How do guinea pigs mate?

they mate by the male running after the female and he corners her then he will get on top of her and release his penise into the females the male is pretty much humping the female.=]LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLits actually the male doing a dance for the female by waving his hips around and making a weird purr, and then he jumps on her, and does the crazzyy. ;) believe me, i had two guinea pigs, that's what happened, and they had babies.if its a male they mate with a female if its female they mate with a male the female becomes pregnant and give live birth in a couple weeks. all mammals are like this

Do female guinea pigs spray?

No! It is not possible without a male Guinea Pig.

Why can the male guinea pig not go with the female guinea pig?

Because the male and female guinea pig would breed constantly and you would have a major explosion in the population of guinea pigs within a few months. Also, male guinea pigs can be fairly territorial and have sometimes been known to eat the offspring if there isn't enough room in the cage for all of them.

What is a neutered male dog called?

it is called A Guinea pig I think but I do have a Guinea pig

What is the name of of an adult female and a male pig called?

Hello,A young female pig is called gilt.She becomes a sow when she has had her second litter.A male neuteredpig is called a barrow.An adult male pig (over 6 months) is called a boar.THE MALE GUINEA PIG IS CALLED A BOAR & THE FEMALE GUINEA PIG IS CALLED A SOW.Even though guinea pigs aren't related to pigs, the male is still called a boar, and the female is a sow.

Related questions

Why does my male guinea pig which I have had for 10 months keep mounting my other male guinea pig for 4 years every time he gets a chance?

Your male guinea pig is trying to mate with your female guinea pig.

Can a 2 year old male guinea pig mate with a 5 month old female guinea pig?

no because a female guinea pig needs to be more than 6 months to fall pregnant Yes, the female guinea pig can become pregnant at 2 months so it is possible.

How young can a male guinea pig mate?

10 weeks

How long will it take for your new male guinea pig to mate with your female Guinea Pig?

you mean girl guinea pig? Right?!? Because if not, at LEAST two weeks.

Is your girl guinea pig dislike the boy guinea pig if she kicks him when he chases her?

Yes, this is her way of showing the male that she does not like him. The male pig is chasing her because he wants to mate with her. If she kicks, than that usually indicates that she is not in heat; is not ready to mate. Male and female guinea pigs should not be housed together unless, you are trying to get them to mate and the female is in heat.

How old does a male guinea pig have to be to get a female guinea pig pregnante?

A male guinea pig can impregnate a female when it's only two months old. It should be separated from its mother and sisters by six weeks.

Why wont your female guinea pig allow your male to mate with her?

She may not be ready to mate or she may already be pregnant.

Can a guinea pig get pregnant if a male guinea pig is in a separate cage next to her?

no, if the guineapigs cannot escape from their cage and physically touch each other then they will not mate

How old is mating age for female guinea pig?

Female guinea pigs sexually mature very early. They can actually begin to reproduce at 3 to 4 weeks of age. Pregnancy is especially hard on a guinea pig, but even more so at this age. It is usually recommended that you do not allow your guinea pig to breed, but if you are going to, wait until they are at least 7 months of age to allow them in with a male.

At what age do male guinea pigs mature?

Male guinea pigs can succesfully imprenate a female guinea pig at (I believe)only 8 weeks of age, however it takes about 9 months for the guinea pig to be fully grown.

How old does your guinea pig start to mate with the male and at what age do the females get pregnant?

3 to 4 weeks

How long does it take a female guinea pig to like a male?

Approximately 2 months