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Q: How does a loud wave compare to a soft wave?
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Loud may be twice as loud than moderately loud.

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the two kinds of dynamics are: soft loud kinds of soft are: kinds of loud are: piano- soft forte- loud pianissimo- very soft fortissimo- very loud pianississimo- very very soft fortississimo- very very loud mezzo piano- moderately soft mezzo forte- moderately loud

How do you think the wave from a loud sound compares to the wave from a soft sound?

The amplitude (The height of the wave) of the wave increases as the sound gets louder.

Can waves have the same wavelength but different ampiltudes?

Of course. There's no relationship between the wavelength and amplitude of a wave phenomenon. With a trumpet or a guitar, you can make low notes thaty are loud or soft, and you can make high notes that are loud or soft. You can make loud notes that are high or low, and you can make soft notes that are high or low. One parameter has no effect on the other.

What is the difference between a loud and soft sound?

Sound is actually a vibration in the air which travels in the form of a wave. The larger the amplitude of the wave, the "louder" the sound. the smaller the amplitude of the wave, the "softer" the sound.

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The Esperanto words for loud and soft are lauta and malvarmeta.

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