

How does a neutron bomb explode?

Updated: 9/20/2023
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12y ago

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A neutron bomb is a form of nuclear weapon. It explodes in several steps. In the first step, control circuits fire electronic blasting caps cause conventional explosives to detonate. They are shaped in such as way that the explosion crushes a ball of nuclear material (mainly plutonium) causing that to produce nuclear fission (an atomic explosion). THAT serves as the trigger to a nuclear fusion explosion- (similar to the hydrogen bomb). This releases heat, blast, and neutrons.

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Which countries have neutron bombs?

As of today, no country is known to have an Enhanced Radiation Weapon ("neutron bomb") in their active stockpile.

What is the surprising effect of the neutron bomb?

A neutron bomb, or enhanced radiation weapon (ERW), is a type of tactical nuclear weapon designed specifically to release a large portion of its energy as energetic neutron radiation rather than explosive energy. Neutron bomb would use nuclear fusion, but in a different way. The detonation of a neutron bomb would still produce an explosion, but one much smaller than a standard nuclear weapon's. The main effect of a neutron bomb would be the release of high-energy neutrons that would take lives far beyond the blast area. The result: fewer buildings, cars, tanks, roads, highways and other structures destroyed.

Why neutron bomb is known as smart bomb?

It is not. A "smart" bomb is one with a guidance system that guides it directly to the target. A "Neutron" bomb is a specialized form of nuclear weapon that produces relatively little blast, but releases more immediate nuclear radiation than most other nuclear weapons

Which country was the First to develop a neutron bomb?

No country is known to currently have neutron bombs. The concept was developed in the US in the early 1960s (and some testing along those lines was done by, at least, the US and France in the mid-1960s), and France actually tested a full neutron bomb in 1980.

Where does the atom bomb explode on the air or on the ground?

In the air above the target