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Sometimes it is advantageous for a parasite to kill their host if this improves the likely hood of transmission into a new host or continuing onto the next part of their life-cyle.

'Virulence' is the degree of aggression that the parasite shows toward the host. Maximum virulence would often kill the host. However, the parasites ability to be virulent might result in a diminished ability in other fitness components such as transmitability. Therefore it is a trade-off between the parasites ability to harm the host for nutrients and its own ability to reproduce; maximising its life-time reproductive success. i.e the maximum virulence might not be the optimum virulence.

Reasons why not killing the host with maximum virulencemight be beneficial; the host shelters the parasite, a source of nutrients (food), hosts movements helps parasite dispersal and presense of same species individuals in host (dis- competition for space/resource's, adv- opportunities to find a mate.)

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A parasite is defined as one organism living off another - without benefit to the host.

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The you're looking for could be mutualism. Double-click mutualism to check.

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A parasite.

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A parasite lives on or in a host, which it depends on for survival. This relationship can be simply parasitic, where the host does not benefit from the parasite. This relationship may also be symbiotic, in which both the parasite and the host benefit.

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In most cases the parasite is getting the benefit. While sometimes they both benefit, it is rare for the host to be the only one of the two organisms to gain benefit.

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The meaning of commencalism mean the host is neither harmed nor gain or benefit from the parasite but the parasite gain from the host.

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This is a parasite. A parasite lives , grows or shelters in another organism without benefit to that other organism.

What does host mean in biology?

An animal or plant that nourishes and supports a parasite; it does not benefit and is often harmed by the association.

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parasite is the organism that lives on other organism without any benefit to the host.

A relationship between two species in which one species the parasite benefits from the other species the host which is harmed?

There are three possibilities: 1. Both benefit 2. Parasite benefits, host gets harmed 3. No effect: both are neutral

Is parsitic relationships is a part of symbiotic relationships?

No, symbiotic relationship benefit both parties involved, a parasitic relationship only benefits the parasite.

What is the size of the Plasmodium parasite?

The nematode Placentonema gigantissima is said to be the longest (in the sense of body lenght), reaching 9 metres of lenght.