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To get a better Algebra I grade, you must study somehow. Most people study it the wrong way. They try to practice a bunch of problems that they just do not know how to do. The right way to do it is to ask questions during class and to use the lesson in the book to figure out how to do the problems correctly before you start practicing. It does more harm than it does good to practice doing problems the wrong way. Trying to figure it out with no assistance is a waste of your time if every time you do that, you end up doing twenty or more problems the wrong way. This will result in you needing to unlearn the wrong way and then you will have to practice them again the right way, that is, if you hope to learn.

Learn how to do them the right way and then focus your study on the problems that involve the concept that you just learned. Doing a few of these will help to cement the concept to your brain. Then, do one or two more of these the night before the test. This way, you will not be wasting a lot of time.

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