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In defense, if a poison dart frog is eaten, it will harm whatever ate it.

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Q: How does a poison dart frog help or harm animals?
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What is the poison dart frog's eyes used for?

They use their poison to kill animals that try to eat them. Poison dart frogs are highly toxic.

What do frogs eat in the rain forest?

Too give birth, some frogs use their legs to make foam to lay eggs in. Others, lay their eggs on leaves to keep them moist. Also, some lay their eggs on leaves, wait for them to hatch and then the male frog will carry the tadpoles to little pools in trees and then the mother goes back and feeds them infertilized eggs. Another adaption would be their suction pads on their toes that secrete a sticky mucus, enabling the frog to cling to tree trunks and branches. Other types have wild colored skin and that lets the predator know that they are poisonous and nothing will try to harm them.

Does make up testing harm animals?

Yes, it is very harmful because the chemicals in makeup is poison to the animals.

What plant produces poison that will harm animals that try to eat it?

Poisons produced by plants and other animals could harm another animal if eaten. Also, depending on the animal, a food not poisonous to one animal, could be to another. Garlic is poison for a cat.

What is creatures?

An animal that can harm you or another animal using teeth, claws or poison. Stay away from these animals.

Can a poison frog kill you?

I saw on an episode of "1,000 Ways to Die" that two men did from toad poisoning.

What is dangerous creatures?

An animal that can harm you or another animal using teeth, claws or poison. Stay away from these animals.

Where is the poison dart frogs poison?

Most species, and there are several, release an alkaloid toxin through their skin. They do not synthesize their own poison but store chemical toxins from some of the insects they eat like ants and termites. This is good since it means that many captive frogs do not have sufficient levels of toxin to harm their owners. It is the secretions of the skin of the poison dart frogs that is toxic. All the frogs of this family "borrow" toxins from what they eat that actually makes the toxins (mostly ants and mites) because the frogs themselves don't manufacture the poisons. These toxins, a few of which can be quite dangerous, are "worn" by the frogs for protection.

Are squids poisonous?

yes.Its poison won't harm humans it only paralises animals

Do frogs bite humans?

That depends on the frog. Some frogs and toads or poisonous or venomous. Here is something most people wouldn't think of though. When poison dart frogs are kept in captivity, they are not poisonous. When removed from their normal habitat, they loose the foods they eat responsible for making them poisonous. Yes, but they can also be completely harmless.

What produces a poison that will harm animals that try to eat it?

Poisons produced by plants and other animals could harm another animal if eaten. Also, depending on the animal, a food not poisonous to one animal, could be to another. Garlic is poison for a cat.

Are frogs in danger?

NO!!! The only thing that I can imagine is if the adult frog is poisonious, the baby might be, but as for the average frog in the states (not from the Amazon or a Wilderness area, rain forest,etc,). They are safe, just as the adult is. Tadpoles and babies are just small frogs, even though their growing shows in very different ways from most young animals. Their growth is harmless, as the adult frog is.