

How does a snakes spine grow?

Updated: 12/9/2022
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11y ago

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Each vertebrate expands with age - just like ours does.

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Q: How does a snakes spine grow?
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Do snakes have spins?

Spins? I think you mean SPINE. If so, yes. Snakes do have spines. But its spine is very flexible.

Which bones do snakes have?

A skull, spine and ribs.

Why do snakes have 500 vertebrae?

vertebrae are the bones that make up the spine snakes are very long so have a long spine and thus a lot of vertebrae

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Yes, snakes have a spine/ backbone

Can the spine regenerate?

No. The Human Spine does not Grow Back.

Are snakes invertabrates?

yes, snakes are INvertabrates cause they have no spine, that is how they slither. an invertabrate has no spine so this makes a snake an invertabrate because,if a snake had a spine it wouldn't be able to move it's body very flexably like it does

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Both humans and snakes are vertebrates, meaning we both have a spine or vertebral column. Worms are invertebrates and do not have a spine or vertebral column.

What are snakes ivertabrate or vertabrates?

Snakes are vertibrates my brother. The only bones they have is a spine, & a very long ribcage.

Does a rattlesnake have a spine?

Yes. Snakes are reptiles and thus vertebrates.

Why does a snake grow hair?

snakes don't grow hair. snakes grow scales to protect their skin.

How long is a snakes spine?

As long as the snake - less the length of its head !

Can snakes grow angel wings?

No. Snakes cannot grow wings or any other sort of limb.