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Forests absorb carbon dioxide (CO2) and store the carbon. A company or country emitting CO2 can plant trees to 'offset', or counterbalance their emissions. They may find it cheaper to do this rather than to reduce their emissions. Through afforestation they reduce their carbon footprint, and raise their standing among their peers.

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Q: How does afforestation offset global warming?
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What is the importants of afforestation?

*it brings proper rain *it reduces the global warming

How will global afforestation efforts effect climate change over the next few decades?

Global afforestation efforts will affect climate change over the new few decades. Afforestation will build up the number of forests in the world which will help global warming problems.

How does afforestation affect global warming?

Afforestation (planting and growing more forests) will slow global warming, because the trees will remove carbon dioxide from the air, release the oxygen and store the carbon it their roots, trunks, branches and leaves. Removing carbon dioxide like this will slow the enhanced greenhouse effect, which is causing global warming.

How can afforestation help to reduce global warming?

when afforestation is done the plants grow up and the carbon dioxide is absorbed by the plants that makes the air conservation. During the flood or the landslide if there are lots of trees then there are less chances of landslides as the tree holds the soil and even less chances of flood because the soil sucks the water. Its already mentioned above that the trees hold the soil which leads to soil conservation too.

Do you want afforestion?

Yes, afforestation (planting more trees) is the only way we know that humans can remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere (through photosynthesis). As carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas causing global warming, then afforestation can only be a good thing.

Is it 'global warming' or 'global warning'?

Global Warming.

Which of the following global issues dose the 1997 Kyoto protocol address?

global warming!!!!!!

Why does global warming decrease temperatures?

True global warming does not decrease temperatures. So, either the model for global warming's effects is hokus-pokus, or global warming as presently claimed, does not exist. Some global warming followers will have you believe that global warming makes the weather "act crazy". If true, then it is not really global warming, is it.

Is global warming a pollution?

Global warming in itself isn't pollution - global warming is the gradual warming of the earth. However, global warming was caused by carbon dioxide pollution in the atmosphere, but global warming in itself isn't a pollution. yes it is a pollution

Global warming in Malayalam language?

global warming

What are the Advantages of afforestation in India?

afforestation in India gives out many advantages such as 1) It brings proper rain. 2) It reduces Global warming. 3) It prevents soil erosion from heavy rains. 4) It brings in beauty to the nature. 5) It avoids acid rain. 6) It is useful in medicine field.

What are misconceptions about global warming?

Global warming is not important.Global warming isn't happening.Global warming is happening but it's not our fault.Global warming is happening but we can't do anything about it.Scientists are not sure about global warming.