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The warmer air is, the faster molecules in the air vibrate, so it makes the balloon bigger. But if you were to take that balloon and freeze it, it would shrink to a third of the size.

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Q: How does air temperature affect the air in a balloon?
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How hot and cold temperature affect air balloon?

When the balloon is hot the density of the air in it decreases and hence the upward thrust on the balloon increases and the balloon moves up and viceversa.

How does temperature affect the size of a balloon?

When the temperature is colder the particles in the balloon travel slower, making the balloon not able to increase in size it decreases.When the temperature is hot it allows the balloon to expand because the particles in the balloon are moving rapidly. in conclusion the the cold makes the balloon decrease in size and the heat allows it to expand.

How does the temperature effect the balloon filled with air?

the temperature affects the balloon filled with air because if it is too cold it can freeze it, and cause the balloon to pop

Does temperature affect floatation?

Yes. Temperature affects the density of a fluid or gas. Flotation (or sinking) is determined by which substance is less dense. A hot air balloon of a given temperature will rise quicker in colder air and not at all in hotter air.

How does air temperature affect humidity?

When you go higher into the air, air pressure starts to decrease and when you are at sea level, air pressure very high. When the temperature is really high, air molecules start bouncing around rapidly and that creates high air pressure. This pressure is enough to blow up a balloon on it's own. When the temperature is really cold, air molecules contract and forms low pressure. This can actually shrink a balloon without the air going out of the balloon in a matter of minutes. No answer for humidity yet.

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How does a hot air balloon return to Earth's surface?

A hot air balloon comes down when less lift is provided by reducing balloon air temperature to control descent.

A standard balloon holds how much air?

A standard balloon may hold about 2 litre air at normal temperature

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How does temperature affect the gas in a balloon?

Heat expands the gas (any gas) and makes the balloon rise.