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It feels good for a while and then kills you eventually.

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Q: How does alcohol affect your body in the long run?
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What are the long term health affects of alcohol abuse?

Alcohol abuse can be life threatening in the long run. It causes many defects such as damage to vital parts of your body, like kidney or liver. Also, there is increased risk of getting throat or mouth cancer.

How do you sterilize isoproply alcohol?

react water and propylene,the purity of the propylene will affect how much isopropyl alcohol is made and how much propanol is made

Can cars run on alcohol?

a car can run on alcohol because I watched a tv show and they made a car run on alcohol

Does salt affect your body?

no not if you smell it will run of probably or if you don't then no it will poison you and kill you hahahah

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In the long run, yes

How do drugs effect the body?

They run through your body and affect all different parts for example your brain. This is always caused by whats in the drug.

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Not over the long run, for sure.

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wages and raw material effect short run aggregate supply because of productivity factor but money is neutral in the long run so will never effect long run

How does alcohol affect the kidneys?

Your kidneys filter your blood and get wastes out of it. When you drink a little bit of alcohol the kidneys filter that alcohol and are okay. But then, if you drink a lot in a short amount of time the kidneys become overworked, and you may have kidney failure, or they just might not be able to filter all of the alcohol. If that happens, the alcohol builds up in your system and starts affecting other parts of your body.answer 2 Actually, it is the poor old liver that has the work of converting the alcohol into 'usable' energy. But it is hard work for the liver and may well be beyond its ability in the short run. Allowed long enough, the liver will convert the alcohol into food. But in the short run, some of the alcohol remains in the blood, and is a welcome test for the highway patrol. Too much work for your liver from dealing with alcohol, and it will give up and you'll go a bright AA yellow![The main thing the kidneys filter out is urea, a chemical left as a by-product of metabolizing proteins. Urea is the mechanism by which the body disposes of this excess nitrogenous material.]

How do you say no to drugs and alcohol?

just stand up for what you believe in. just say no. i am sure they will respect you for that in the long run.

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Does the design on the bottom of the shoe affect how you run?

For some people, it may seem to affect them but for me, I don't think it really matters. As long as the shoe is light and comfortable, I am able to run in it. Having thick and heavy soles may affect me though.