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Altitude should not affect oven temperature but it will affect how much your baked goods will rise in the oven. It is always a good idea to have an oven thermometer in your oven to make sure that the oven is calibrated properly.

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Q: How does altitude affect oven temperature?
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Does altitude affect oven temperature?

Yes it does.

Is the temperature for poultry the same at high altitude?

yes the internal temperature for doneness is the same. But the length of time you roast it in the oven will vary from sea level to high altitude.

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Yes it does. The higher the altitude, the cooler the temperature in general.

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Altitude, temperature and humidity.

How do variations in temperature affect the altimeter?

Pressure levels are raised on warm days and the indicated altitude is lower than true altitude.

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Three factors that affect air pressure are temperature, altitude, and water vapor.

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What is the relationship between temperature and altitude in the exosphere?

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How does altitude affect temperature on earth?

It depends on the on what sphere of the atmosphere you are talking about. At ground level (troposhere) it gets colder as altitude rises. Once the altitude reaches the stratosphere the temperature becomes warmer then cools down again as it reaches the stratopause, and continues to decline as altitude increases in the mesophere until the mesopause. The temperature then rises significantly when the altitude is high enough to be considered the thermosphere.

How does altitude relate to temperature?

The higher the altitude the lower the temperature.

When altitude increases temperature does what?

Temperature decreases as altitude increases.