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Q: How does an electromagnet work in speakers?
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How does lectromagnet work in loud speakers?

The electromagnet is a very important part of loud speakers. The electromagnet is always placed in the front of the magnet. When the electricity goes through the electromagnet the field is changed and this produces the vibrations in speakers.

How do speakers and headphones work?

Speakers use pulses of electricity to activate a small electromagnet that surrounds another magnet. it has a plastic covering, so as to mimic the vibration of our vocal chords and make noise.

A stereo speakers uses an electromagnet to move the cone?

True .

How do electromagnet fire alarms work?

the electromagnet makes the door close when a fire alarm goes off

Do you have to connect a cell to work an electromagnet?

A cell or other (DC) power source must, indeed, be connected to an electromagnet to make it work. It is an electromagnet. Surf the link to our friends at Wikipedia. It's a good article, and the pics are cool.

How do small speakers work?

the same way big speakers work

What does a battery contribute to an electromagnet to help it work?

A core

What in an electromagnet the what turns the drive shaft which does the work?

the armature

How does an electromagnet work in blender?

it connets to the bottom of the machine

Things that use electromagnets in your house?

Blenders, doorbells, speakers, and probably anything that is related to speaker systems or have speakers in them. Any device with a motor, generator, speaker or microphone, or a transformer has an electromagnet installed.

How do you build a electromagnet?

im in South Africa trying to make an electromagnetic trian through using magnets from car speakers and trying to them repell

Does tape player have magnets?

Drive motor and speakers may have magnets. The tape head that reads (and sometimes records) to the tape may have an electromagnet.