

How does anesthetic works?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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There are many kinds of anesthetics, could you be any more specific? If not your answer is fairly long. Check wikipedia's entry for"anesthesia" for a good start.

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Q: How does anesthetic works?
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we used it as a anesthetic. now we are not using it as a anesthetic.

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Warming anesthetic can cause immediate death!

Does anesthetic hurt?

No, I had surgery before and they used anesthetic, it does not hurt, it just makes you sleepy.

How do you use chloroform as an anesthetic?

Chloroform is no longer used as a general anesthetic due to safety concerns. In the past, it was administered by inhalation to induce unconsciousness. However, chloroform can cause serious side effects, including respiratory failure and cardiac arrest, and its use has been largely replaced by safer alternatives.

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A topical anesthetic mixture containing tetracaine, epinephrine (adrenaline), and cocaine.

What is a anesthetics?

the definition of anesthetic would be anesthetic- (n)a substance that causes loss of sensation or consciousnesshope

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I believe the French were first to utilize Ether as analagesic and anesthetic.

Do Use anesthetic in a sentence?

1) When I had surgery on me teeth the dentist used the anesthetic, so their wasn't pain.

What haloalkane is used as an anesthetic?

Halothane is a haloalkane that has been used as an inhalation anesthetic. It was commonly used in the past but has been largely replaced by newer anesthetics due to its potential side effects.

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