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Q: How does annabeth trick the monsters and get all three past the gates?
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What three things does Cinderella need to get for the fairy god mother?

The fairy godmother only asked for two things a pumpkin. That was intended to be a trick question

What is Marcus Trick's birthday?

Marcus Trick was born on January 5, 1978.

What nicknames does Isabelle Trick go by?

Isabelle Trick goes by Isa, and Isi.

When did Trick McSorley die?

Trick McSorley died on 1936-02-09.

Where is the Trick Master in his house on the last trick?

go to slateport go up the first bilding ther is trick master good luck!

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What are some redemption codes for mighty monsters?

Trick or treat

How does wurly get through the gate on moshi monsters?

the trick is to click on him

What are the ratings and certificates for Sigmund and the Sea Monsters - 1973 Trick or Treat 1-13?

Sigmund and the Sea Monsters - 1973 Trick or Treat 1-13 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

Do real witches and monsters go trick-or-treating?

No, they aren't even real!

Why do you have to trick or treat when its night?

most monsters come out at night and other scary creatures.

Is it true that you can do trick or treating on Moshi Monsters?

Nope It Is Not True!! P.S add me im called tigermonkey1223

How many points are in a hat trick?

Three points. There are three goals in a hat trick, and each goal is worth 1 point.

Does three card trick beat 2 card trick in poker?

There are no tricks in poker, there is three of a kind or a pair. A three of a kind always beats a pair.

What do they call it when you score three points in a hockey game?

three points = nothing. three goals = hat trick goal, assist, and fight = gordie howe hat trick

Trick question if there are five apples and you take three how many do you have?


What is the name for the Mexican three card trick?

three card MONTE