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Q: How does barometric pressure change effect wind speed?
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Where do meteorologists get there barometric pressure data?

from the barometer it measures wind speed

Who decides hurricane or tropical storm?

The category of the storm - depends on the wind speed, and barometric pressure reading.

How are the spacing of isobars and wind speed related?

Distribution of isobars on a map is connected with the direction and speed of the wind. As the isobars grow closer together it shows a rapid change in barometric pressure, which can indicate a storm front approaching - and that usually means increased winds.

What does meterological data mean?

Meteorological data is information obtained from the atmosphere, Such as; barometric pressure, humidity, wind speed, and air temperature.

What is the effect of pressure and speed in sound waves?

Speed affects the frequency and pressure affects the wavelength.

Would it be correct to say that the Doppler effect is the apparent change in the speed of a wave due to the motion of the source?

No. The Doppler effect is about a change of frequency, not about a change of speed. The relative speed may change as well, but that's not what the Doppler effect is about.

What has a bigger effect on wind speed temperature or air pressure?

The bigger affect on wind speed is air pressure.

Is Katrina the strongest storm?

No. It was the most destructive, but by no means the strongest. Other storms have been stronger in terms of both wind speed and barometric pressure.

Does the wave speed change in the Doppler effect?

Yes, the Doppler effect defines the change in speed of a sound wave due to motion. As I recall, the Doppler Effect is a change in the frequency of a wave, not its speed. Yep, I'm pretty sure Doppler is a frequency change, not a speed of sound change.

What tools did the people use to find out that there is going to be a hurricane?

Wind speed, humidity, barometric pressure, satellite maps, radar maps, predictive weather models.

What does high pressure do to sound?

High pressure can increase the speed of sound transmission and alter the frequency of sound waves. It can also affect the way sound is perceived by the human ear, potentially causing discomfort or distortion in hearing.

How does meter contribute to the meaning of a word containing that word part?

'Meter' means to measure, so to add it to another word is to use it to state a measurement of the other word. For example: Thermometer - thermo, meaning heat, so it measures the temperature Speedometer - speed, meaning how fast, so it measures the speed of movement Barometer - baro, meaning barometric pressure, so it measures the barometric pressure