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They have the same barks and they talk to one each other also they hear miles away and smell and they have the same sent

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Q: How does basset hounds communicate with other animals of its kind?
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Are hounds good with children?

Basset hounds made ideal pets for families with children. They are gentle, tolerant and welcoming animals. Basset hounds get along well with other pets and are seldom aggressive to strangers. Basset hounds need daily walks, but children need to be careful when walking them because they are hunting dogs and if they get a whiff of a certain scent they may pull at the leash and a young child may have difficulty controlling them. Since basset hounds are low to the ground, young children may try to ride on their backs - this should be avoided at all costs. Basset hounds would make a good pet for a family with children, but be prepared for lots of drool, shedding and stubbornness!

Can basset hounds and cocker spaniels live together?

It all depends on the dogs. If both are well tempered, then they should get along perfectly. My basset hound hardly ever has problems with other dogs.

What colors are basset hounds?

Basset hounds are white with brown and black spots.

What is the price of Basset Hound?

Prices of Basset Hounds vary for many different reasons. The purebred dogs range anywhere from 1,500 to 3,000. Other non-purebred dogs range from free to 600 dollars. It really all depends where you get the dog and who you get it from!

Do blood hounds have webbed feet?

Even though some sources say "no", I've raised three Bloodhounds; two from the same litter, and one from a completely different "family", and they all have webbed feet. The two from the same litter love swimming. The other has never been in water deep enough to swim.

How do newts communicate?

all animals have a way of communicating with other animals of the same species.

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they talk though a megaphone

Reasons why animals communicate?

Animals communicate using sight, smell and sound.They might communicate to...Find a mateExpress feelings happiness, anger, playfulness, fear, and other emotionsTo tell another animals where they areTo tell other animals to stay away from their territoryTo warn othersTo show submissionTo assert dominance

How animals use smelly chemicals to communicate with other animals?

to mark territory property ect.