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it is formed by weathering

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1mo ago

Bedrock undergoes weathering and erosion processes, breaking down into smaller particles through physical, chemical, or biological means. These particles then mix with organic matter and other materials to form soil, which gradually develops layers and a distinct composition through the accumulation of nutrients and minerals over time.

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Q: How does bedrock change when soil forms?
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How does bedrock change as soil forms?

It can't

Is bedrock a layer of mature residual soil?

Bedrock is not a layer of mature residual soil. Bedrock is the solid rock underneath the soil layers that make up the Earth's crust. Residual soil forms from the weathering of bedrock over time.

What forms first from bedrock?

Soil typically forms first from bedrock through a process called weathering, where the bedrock is broken down by physical, chemical, or biological processes. Over time, weathering breaks down the bedrock into smaller particles that mix with organic material to form soil.

What is an example of residual soil?

Residual soil forms from the weathering of the underlying bedrock in the same location. An example is clay soil derived from the weathering of granite bedrock.

Which layer of a soil profile forms first from the bedrock?

The C horizon is the layer of a soil profile that forms first from the bedrock. It is the underlying layer that contains weathered rock fragments and shows the least amount of soil development.

What term describes the area of bedrock from what soil forms?

parent rock

What is the layer of solid rock under the soil?

The layer of solid rock under the soil is called bedrock. Bedrock is the hard, solid rock beneath the Earth's surface that forms the foundation for soil and other materials above it.

Which term describes the area of bedrock from which soil fo?

The term that describes the area of bedrock from which soil forms is known as the "parent material". This bedrock is broken down over time through weathering and other processes to create the soil above it.

How do bedrock and soil dffer?

Bedrock is the solid rock underlying soil and other unconsolidated material on the Earth's surface. Soil, on the other hand, is a mixture of minerals, organic matter, gases, liquids, and organisms that support plant life. Bedrock is the solid foundation upon which soil forms and develops.

What soil develop from bedrock directly beneath it?

Residual soil develops directly from the underlying bedrock through weathering processes. The characteristics of the bedrock, such as mineral composition and structure, influence the properties of the residual soil that forms above it. Over time, physical and chemical weathering break down the bedrock to produce a soil that retains some similarities to the parent material.

What is the layer of solid rock found under the soil?

The layer of solid rock found under the soil is called bedrock. Bedrock is composed of consolidated rock that forms the base of the Earth's crust and provides a strong foundation for the layers above it.

What is the solid layer of rock beneath the solid?

== == This layer is called bedrock.