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Carbon Dioxide from the air and goes into a leaf through the stomata; most are located underneath the leaf.

add There are two different photosynthesis paths, called C3 and C4 after the number of carbon atoms in the molecule.

There is a third photosynthesis pathway, called CAM, after an acid used in the pathway. This is used by desert plants and perching plants, both of which face shortages of water.

In these plants the stomata open at night and store the CO2, then close the stomata during the day (so as to conserve water) and use the sunlight to split the water into O and H.

Simple diffusion is the process by which the CO2 reaches inside of the leaf. If the air in the leaf becomes lower in CO2, (because it was absorbed) the diffusion process itself will remedy the defect.

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Q: How does carbon dioxide reach inside a leaf?
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through the pores in the stomata of the leaf

Where does carbon dioxide enter in a leaf via holes?

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carbon dioxide im doing a project now

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