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The OH ends of the cellulose chain allow for hydrogen bonding with the water molecules. The electrons concentrate around the Carbon side - makes the OH end polar. A more positive end on the H side, and a more negative charge on the carbon side.

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Q: How does cellulose fibers absorb water?
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What Substance is found in cereal and paper?

First Answer : Cellulose ( or Cellulose Fibers ) Reason : Cellulose is main constituent of all plants . These two products ( Paper and Cereal ) are made from plants . Second Answer : ( Can you guess ? ) Water Reason : Water is always present together with many compounds including Cellulose which will absorb atmospheric water . In ordinary Paper and Cereal , water is always present . It is very difficult to make these two things completely dried and free from water .

What is an example of a cellulose fiber?

Rayon and Modal are cellulose fibers.

What type of intermolecular forces predominate between cellulose fibers?

From what i can tell, hydrogen bonding is the dominate force between cellulose fibers. The exposed OH groups on the ends of the molecule attract oxygen. This is why cotton and other fibers made from Cellulose absorb water well; the exposed OH groups attract the oxygen on the water molecule. You may want to double check though...I am not a Chemistry expert by any means.

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Cellulose fibers

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What is the chemistry of paper?

Paper as made of cellulose fibers. Cellulose is a natural polymer made of glucose units.

What holds cellulose molecules together in bundles large enough to form fibers?

Hydrogen bonds hold cellulose molecules together in bundles large enough to form fibers..

What does the trichonympha eat?

it breaks down the cellulose in the wood and plant fibers; it eats the wood and plant fibers