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Cocaine is a stimulant. This means that it increases physiological and nervous activity within the body. At low doses, users experience a temporary enhancement to their hand/eye coordination and reflexes. As the dose is increased, however, there is a marked drop in response time. The abnormally large increase in neuron activity caused by the drug essentially overloads the brain's ability to process information efficiently. This hyper-active state generally results in erratic and erroneous thought processes that are detrimental to performance.

In some users, cocaine can induce a state of hypervigilance - an enhanced state of visio/audio sensitivity with the sole purpose of seeking out threats. The perceived omnipresent danger causes the body to release stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline which increase the bodies response times. Heavy users that regularly experience this level of stress will invariably damage their mental health. Anxiety, panic attacks, paranoia and hallucinations are not uncommon.

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1mo ago

Cocaine can increase reaction time initially due to heightened alertness and increased energy. However, as the drug wears off, it can lead to impaired reaction time and coordination due to its impact on the central nervous system and cognitive functions. This can result in slower or inconsistent responses to stimuli.

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When did crack become illegal?

Crack cocaine became illegal in the United States in 1986 with the passing of the Anti-Drug Abuse Act. The Act imposed harsh penalties for crack cocaine offenses, leading to significant disparities in sentencing compared to powder cocaine offenses.

What the differences between cocaine and crack?

Cocaine refers to the drug in its powder form, while crack is cocaine that has been processed into a rock crystal, typically smoked. Crack is a more potent and fast-acting form of cocaine, leading to a quicker and more intense high. Additionally, crack is generally cheaper and more addictive than powder cocaine.

Does cocaine use with men effect penis erections?

Yes, cocaine use can negatively impact sexual function in men, including affecting the ability to achieve and maintain an erection. This is due to the drug's impact on blood flow and the cardiovascular system, as well as its effects on brain chemistry and arousal. Chronic cocaine use can lead to long-term erectile dysfunction and other sexual problems.

What is the crack?

"The crack" can refer to a highly addictive form of cocaine that has been processed into a rock crystal. It is usually smoked and produces an intense, short-lived euphoric effect. Misuse of crack can lead to serious health issues and addiction.

How much cocaine is an average dose for a person to use?

The average dose of cocaine for a person is typically around 30-50 milligrams. It is important to note that the purity and individual tolerance levels can greatly affect the amount needed for a desired effect. Consult with a healthcare professional for further guidance on safe drug use.