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Q: How does cold and hot tea affect alka-seltzer?
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Why cant you add cold water to hot tea?

You can add cold water to hot tea

Is tea heather hot or cold?

Tea may be had both as a hot beverage or a cold one. Depends a lot on the type of teas. not all tea may be had as cold tea/ice tea

What does hot tea mean?

Tea can be served two ways, cold with ice, called ice tea or hot like coffee, called hot tea.

Do the health benefits of green tea differ depending on whether you drink it cold or hot?

No. If the tea is prepared from a teabag in cold water, the tea will be weaker than hot tea, and this could result in fewer health benefits as you'd be consuming less tea. However, if the tea is of equal strengths, drinking it hot or cold shouldn't make any difference.

Why is tea hotter than the pacific ocean?

Tea is hot, oceans are cold.

Why should you use hot water to make tea?

The particles in the hot water move much faster than the ones in the cold water because they are heated, so they gain energy, making tea bags brew way faster in hot water than they do in cold.

Does the tea need to be hot or cold on your stye?

tepid is okay.Too hot or too cold is not good for stye.

Can you drink oolong tea hot or cold?

yes you can!

What is Lipton?

Lipton tea is tea produced by the Lipton Tea Company. It is usually sold as tea bags and can be hot or cold.

Is tea a bad comfort food?

Absolutely not! Tea, especially hot tea can be very relaxing and comforting. What is more wonderful then a cold rainy day and a piping hot cup of tea?

How do you use black tea?

You can use black tea by steeping the tea leaves or tea bags in hot water and enjoying it.

How do you drink diabetina hot or cold?

Steep diabetina tea for 3-5 minutes in hot water, remove tea bag and drink.