

How does computers use magnets?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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they don't

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Q: How does computers use magnets?
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Related questions

What is one of the things people use magnets for in every day life?

Sticking things on refrigerators, some toys have magnets, there are magnets in computers and in TVs, certain doors have magnets, and most electronics have magnets.

What could you use a magnet for?

All electric motors contain magnets- and information storage in computers is based on magnets. Electrical generators contain magnets, as do electrical transformers. Even the charger for your IPod is based on electromagnets.

Why do computers have magnets in them?

There re only magnets in hard drives but they're sealed and will not affect the computer in any way

What household items are made out of Mercury?

computers and fridge magnets

What is a list of 15 things that use magnets?

hard drives use magnets for storing information, Washing machines to keep the door shut, cars, microwaves, computers use magnets for storing information, telegraphs, telephone, televisions, mac laptops,microphones,cupboard doors to stay shut, compasses have a magnetised needle in them to direct you. It's not 15 but here's 12.

How do you use magnets?

you can use magnets to separate iron from sand.

Why do magnets crash computers?

for some reason, they just distort the circuit.

Why todays roller costers move fast?

because magnets and computers

How do magnets help you?

Modern day life uses magnets in almost everything. Compasses, brakes, computers, credit cards, etc.

Do camera have magnets in them?

They do because it has all diffrent metal in that reacts with magnets a lot of things like computers, tv's ect have metal in.

What are some common magnets that are found in your house?

Magnets are found in the speakers of TVs, Hi Fi systems and computers. Magnets are also often used as closure devices on bathroom cupboards & fridges.

Do water heaters use magnets?

Some of the water heaters uses magnets. Magnets softens the water.