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how consensus is related to education

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Q: How does consensus theory related to education?
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Related questions

What is the consensus in Perspectives on the Role of Education in Understanding Globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

What is the conflict and consensus perspective on the role of education in understanding globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

What is the conflict and consensus Perspectives on the Role of Education in Understanding Globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

What are the advantages of consensus theory?

Consensus theory emphasizes understanding social order, norms, and values that guide behavior. It promotes social cohesion, stability, and cooperation among individuals. By focusing on shared beliefs and agreements, consensus theory helps explain how societies maintain harmony and resolve conflicts.

What is meant by the term Value consensus?

evaluate the concepts of value consensus and false consciousness in relation to the function of education.

What is the influence of the conflict and consensus theories on a teacher's work?

According to my interviewee: there so many instances that affect my work by conflict and consensus theory In Consensus Theory, for example i have a students that are hard to speak straight tagalog and hard to adapt the new environment because he/she was came from province, so I'm the one who make more adjustment. In Conflict Theory, for example you a have a students that are rich and also you have a students that are not too rich, all the favors of you was only at your students which is rich. In this situation there is a inequality between the the students because in conflict theory the more you richer the more you have the power, it is all about class conflict.

Social science theories related to education?

Some social science theories related to education include symbolic interactionism, which focuses on how individuals create and interpret meanings in educational settings; social reproduction theory, which examines how societal inequalities are perpetuated through the education system; and critical theory, which analyzes power dynamics in education and advocates for social change and equity.

Is god male or feamale?

Majority consensus male but of course only theory.

Is value consensus is a concept with functionalist theory?

Yes, value consensus is a concept in functionalist theory, which posits that society operates harmoniously when there is a shared set of norms, values, and beliefs among its members. Value consensus helps maintain social order and stability by promoting cohesion and cooperation within a society.

What are the difference between consensus and conflict theory?

Consensus theory suggests that society operates based on shared norms and values, with members working together toward common goals. Conflict theory, on the other hand, views society as being marked by inequalities and power struggles between different groups, such as the wealthy and the poor. Consensus theory emphasizes social harmony and stability, while conflict theory focuses on competition and inequality as driving forces in society.

What is the conflict and perspective and the role of education in understanding globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.

What is the conflict in Perspectives on the Role of Education in Understanding Globalization?

The conflict and consensus perspective on education tends to view in school and intuition that perpetuate.