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Down's syndrome will give your child a total amount of 47 chromosomes in his/her somatic cells as opposed to the normal human who has only 46 chromosomes in his/her somatic cells. In addition Down's syndrome will lower the metal ability of the child and will give the child distinct facial features (such as a very circular face).

It also affects the fertility of the child as well. Males are mostly sterile and females can be fertile, but it is very hard to have a baby. Usually the baby is prematurely born, aborted naturally, or needed surgery to take out.

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13y ago

It just does(: it eats the baby's brain out like a zombie

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8y ago

They child will be slow mentally and will need extra attention.

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Q: How can down syndrome affect a child physically emotionally socially and intellectually?
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How does Down syndrome affect a child's learning?

It affects a person physically, intellectually, emotionally and socially. They often have delayed development which means that they develop slower than other people. The delayed development normally affects physially and intellectually. They are affected emotionally because they have anger problems although they also are gentle and kind. They are affected social because there speech doesn't develop as fast as other children which means that they can socialize with other people which are the same age as them - this often affects them when they are young.

Is it illegal to date someone with Down syndrome?

No. It is just not socially acceptable to many people.

Is klinefelters syndrome debilitating?

Physically, no; mentally, that's up to the strength of the individual.

Can the non custodial parent continue visitation with a down syndrome child after child is an adult?

A child with DS can be an adult physically but mentally and emotionally they are often still children and needs a guardian. And of course the parents can still see their child. It would be cruel to the child to take away their family.

What mental illness afflicted Albert Einstein?

There is no formal diagnosis for Albert Einstein's mental health, but he is thought to have exhibited symptoms of Asperger's syndrome, which is a form of autism. Some experts also suggest he may have had ADHD based on his behaviors and cognitive abilities.

How does down syndrome affect you emotionally?

I'm not sure but being around people with down syndrome, it seems like they are over emotional like they can get mad easily and if they don't get what they want they get upset. Like if they are older, they seem more childlike

How does someone get down syndrome?

One doesn't "get" Down's Syndrome, it is a genetic anomaly. Predominantly, the older the mother, the more likely her child will develop Downs. Such children have similar features, such as ears too low, and tend to be clumsy and intellectually challanged. They also tend to be outwardly happy, and very loving.

Do people with Asperger's Syndrome have difficulty in smiling?

Physically, people with Asperger's Syndrome can smile. However, they are likely to use less nonverbal language that a neurotypical person and might not understand when smiling would be appropriate.

What celebrity suffers from the Peter Pan Syndrome?

The Peter Pan Syndrome is a so called 'pop-psychology' term used to describe an adult who is socially immature.The one person who springs to mind is Michael Jackson, although no doubt, there are others out there that this could apply to.

Is Down syndrome physically limiting?

Yes. Poor muscle tone, combined with a tendency for the tongue to stick out, can also make it difficult for an infant with Down syndrome to feed properly, regardless of whether they are breastfed or fed from a bottle.

Does Down syndrome affect you physically?

Yes it does, it affects the facial structures. In addition those who have down syndrome will have short necks, short arms, short legs, short toes, short fingers, and their joints show hyper flexibility.

How long does the marriage of a person with aspergers last?

Aspergers syndrome is a disorder having to do with a person's ability to interact socially. Because it is a social disorder, the general health of a person with this syndrome would not be affected. The life expectancy is the same as that of any other person. The movie "Rain Man" is about a man with Aspergers (or somewhere on the Autism Spectrum). It may give you a better idea of what it is.