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friction is rubbing two items together to make friction without is your breaks on the car they would be useless friction causes heat

- Brenner Fodt age 12

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Q: How does dragging your foot on a pitch cause friction what does the friction do?
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Water bumps "or water blisters" are caused by repeated friction. Water blisters most commonly occur on the heel or the foot when someone is breaking in new shoes but friction is not the only cause of blisters. There are some conditions that cause them

Why friction is important to running?

you need friction so the ground can push on your foot while your foot pushes on the ground. that is the only way you can move.

What is a toe corn?

Foot corns are irritating bumps that can appear on the sides of your toes. Usually at the foot sole and in between toes. These are the result of friction. Foot corns are your body's response to the pressure and irritation your shoes cause as they rub against your feet.

Bad examples of friction?

Bad friction is when you dont wear socks so the shoe will rub against your foot ti cause blisters and pain. Peace out!

What condition does an excessive amount of stress on the inside of the foot cause?

One common example of an abnormal movement is an excessive amount of stress placed upon the inside of the foot. This leads to friction and irritation of the involved structures.

When is friction not so useful?

When you drive a car and stop it is because of friction you stopped. If there was no friction your car won't stop and will slide. Friction also helps with waking, if there was no friction with every step you take you would slip. Friction lets your foot stay in one spot while you move the other foot. Ice has no friction so it is hard to walk on and hard to brake on (if driving a car.)

Why does friction never speed up object?

You may be thinking of drag instead of friction. Friction between the floor and your foot increases your speed.

Roof 50 foot by 100 foot with a 412 pitch what is the formula?

a 100 foot run with a 50 foot rise would give you a 6/12 pitch

What is the friction that causes a car to slow down when you take your foot off the accelerator?

Rolling friction By Alex ceron

Is friction an important force of nature?

Yes, because without it, we couldn't walk. Walking is using the friction on the ground to hold our foot in one place as we lunge forward, so if it weren't for friction, then our foot would slip and we wouldn't be able to go anywhere.

Do you need friction to walk?

Yes. W/o friction, your foot would just slide backwards as you try to push off for a step.