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The tilt of the Earth causes the seasons because the side of Earth that's closer to the sun has summer or spring. The side of Earth that isn't close to the sun has winter or fall. It also affects global climate.

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Jayda Quigley

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2y ago
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12y ago

The seasons are caused by earth's revolution because it is on a tilted axis. When the earth revolves around the sun during a specific time of the year, one of the poles is closer to the sun than the other pole, because of the tilt. For example, during May, June, July, and August, it is summer in the northern hemisphere because the north pole is pointed closer to the sun, making it warmer. However, during the same time of year, it is winter in the Southern Hemisphere because the south pole is pointed further away from the sun, making it colder, and vice versa during the winter.

An interesting and essential part of this: because earth is spinning (rotating) on its axis, it is acting like a gigantic gyroscope. This is why the tilt of the axis is always pointing to the same spot in the sky, and why the tilt doesn't somehow follow the sun over the course of the year. Without this gyroscopic action, the seasons would be unpredictable.

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12y ago

It's all to do with the concentration of the suns rays... The earth's axis is tilted 23½º respect to the plane of its orbit around the sun. When the hemisphere where you live is tilted towards the sun the rays fall more directly so it is summer or spring but when it is tilted away the rays fall obliquely and are less strong so it is winter or Autumn

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7y ago

The seasons are explained by the tilt of the Earth's axis. When it is summer in the Northern Hemisphere, the north pole is pointed in the direction of the sun. the tilt of the Earth isn't what changes seasons, but the the Earth's revelution around the sun does. The Earth revolves around the sun so different parts of the Earth are more affected by the sun then other parts through out the year. The seasons are NOT determined by the distance of the Earth to the Sun. In fact, the Earth is closest to the Sun in the Northern hemisphere's Winter (January).

The earth's tilt and revolution around the sun, not the earth's rotation, is what causes the seasons

depending on what part of the earth is tilted toward the sun

that part will have the warmest season

if the part of the earth is tilted more away from the sun

that part of the earth will be having colder seasons, such as winter.

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the earth's tilt causes the four seasons.

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The Earth's tilt is what causes the seasons.

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Does the earths tilt have anything to do with the seasons?

Yes, it does

What two things cause the seasons to change on earth?

There are two things that cause it which are the earths orbit and thetilt of the earths axis.

Does the earths revolution cause the seasons?

The revolution of the Earth does not cause changes in the seasons. The TILT of the Earth does. When an area tilts away from the sun, light strikes the earth at a shallow angle, delivering less heat and light. As it tilts towards the sun, light is striking at a more direct angle, delivering more heat and light.

How does the til of earths axis cause the seasons?

The tilt controls the angle of incidence of sunlight AND the duration of daylight hours.

Why do you experience different seasons?

Different seasons occur due to the tilt of the Earth's axis as it orbits the sun. This tilt causes sunlight to hit the Earth at different angles throughout the year, leading to variations in temperature and daylight hours. This results in the cycle of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

How would you describe what causes the seasons?

its earths tilt on its axis orbiting the sun

How does the earths orbit around the sun cause the seasons?

Actually, it doesn't. The TILT of the Earth on it axis causes seasonal changes.

What does the seasons result from?

Tilt and revolution about the sun.