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Q: How does electricity flow through a battery?
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How does electricity flow from a battery through a circuit?

Not as you might think. Electricity flows FROM the negative pole, through the circuit, and then electrons flow into the positive pole.

How much electricity can flow through a series circuit?

it depends on the battery voltage

Can you put electricity in a jar?

No, electricity cannot be put in a jar. Electricity is the flow of electric charge through a conductor, and it requires a complete circuit to flow. You can store electrical energy in a battery or capacitor, but you cannot store the flow of electricity itself in a jar.

Can electricity flow through metal?

Yes, electricity can flow through metal.

What does the voltage of a battery tell you?

the flow of electricity

What within a cell causes the charge that allows electricity to flow through wires?

Corrosion of the metal plates in the battery cells drive current flow.

What is the point of a battery?

If you did not have a battery, the circuit would not have any electricity to make a change on something. Basically, a battery is a power source. It creates a difference in charge (positive and negative ends) that causes a flow or electrons through the wire which is electricity!

Can electricity flow without a battery?

i think current cannot pass without battery.

Howdoes Electricity flow through a wire?

Electricity flow through a wire as a result of the movement of electrons and hols.

Does electricity flow through vinegar?

Yes, but the better question would be, "how well does electricity flow through vinegar?"

Why is electricity sometimes described as a flow of electrons?

Flowing electrons makes electricity (they flow from negative to positive. ). You need a circuit or a path for the electrons to move through, a power source like a battery or a generator, and something to use the electricity, like a light bulb...

What are the chemicals that are in battery's that allow electricity to flow called?
