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Because they push the bonding pairs down. For example in a water molecule, it has 2 lone pairs which push the 2 bonding pairs down to form a V-shaped molecule.

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Q: How does electron repulsion determine molecule shape?
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What does the VSEPR theory tell about a molecule?

A. The geometry it will have

The VSEPR theory allows us to determine the?

The VSEPR theory allows us to determine the molecular geometry of a molecule based on the number of electron pairs around the central atom. It helps predict the shape of molecules by minimizing electron pair repulsion. This theory is useful in understanding the spatial arrangement of atoms in molecules and their properties.

What causes water molecules to have a bent shape according to VSEPR threory?

Repulsion of the unshared electron pairs (2)and the bonded pairs (2) around the central oxygen atom. Repulsion of these 4 electron pairs attempts to form a tetrahedral shape. Describing the molecular shape, we ignore the unshared electrons and just describe the shape of the molecule based on the location of the atoms, thus bent.

How do you determine the shape of molecules?

The shape of molecules is determined by the number of bonding and non-bonding electron pairs around the central atom. The VSEPR (Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion) theory is commonly used to predict molecular geometry based on electron pairs' repulsion. The arrangement of these electron pairs results in different molecular shapes such as linear, trigonal planar, tetrahedral, and more.

How you get bond angle of a tetrahedral shape molecule which have 1 lone pair?

Tetrahedral bond angle of a molecule which have a lone pair electron is 107, smaller than regular 109.5, due to the repulsion of electrons of lone pair.

What affects shape of a molecule?

The molecule's function and chemical and physical properties

What are the three of the many possible shapes of molecules?

Without given a specific molecule there is not any way to determine the shape. Beryllium chloride consists of beryllium in the middle and a chlorine on each side, and is in the shape of a straight line.

How does VSEPR theory predict molecular shape?

The position of bonding atoms is determined by electron pair repulsion.

What is VSERP?

Valance Shell Electron Pair Repulsion It's used to predict the shape of individual molecules.

What is the molecular shape of CCl4?

CCl4 shape is circular. This is determined by the Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion theory (VSEPR). The repulsion of the molecule determines the shape of it. CCl4 has a tetrahedral shape, owing to four bond pairs of electrons repelling each other to positions of maximum separation and minimum repulsion. The angle between bonds is 109.5 degrees.

What is described by the VESPER theory?

1.Electron do not contribute to d repulsion force around d central atom

What is the shape of the molecul nitrogen trifluoride?

NF3 has trigonal pyramidal shape. Around nitrogen, there are 1 lone pair electron and 3 bond pair electrons. The lone pair-bond pair electron repulsion is greater than bond pair-bond pair electron repulsion. The angle between N-F bond pairs are 107 degrees