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Energy from internal sources enters the Earth system through convection as heat is transferred from the mantle to the surface through the movement of molten rock. External energy from the Sun enters the Earth system through radiation, with sunlight being absorbed by the Earth's surface and converting into heat energy. Both processes play a crucial role in driving the Earth's climate and geological processes.

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Q: How does energy enter the Earth system from internal sources through convection and from external sources through radiation from the Sun?
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Describe the Earths principal sources of internal and external energy?

The Earth's principal sources of internal energy are radioactive decay of elements in the Earth's core and residual heat from the planet's formation. External energy sources include solar radiation, which drives processes like weather patterns, ocean currents, and ecosystems. Together, these energy sources contribute to the dynamic processes shaping Earth's geology and climate.

What are earth's internal energy sources?

Earth's internal energy sources include residual heat from its formation, radioactive decay of elements like uranium and thorium in the mantle, and the heat generated by the solidification of the inner core. These sources drive processes like mantle convection, plate tectonics, and volcanic activity.

What energy sources drives the atmosphere and hydrosphere?

Energy from the Sun.

The main energy sources in the climate system?

The main energy sources in the climate system are solar radiation from the Sun, which drives the Earth's climate system through processes like heating the surface and driving weather patterns, and internal heat from the Earth's core, which drives processes like plate tectonics and volcanic activity. These energy sources play a crucial role in shaping Earth's climate and weather patterns.

What are the sources of heat within Earth?

The main sources of heat within Earth are residual heat from its formation, radioactive decay of elements like uranium, thorium, and potassium, and heat generated by ongoing mantle convection. This internal heat contributes to processes like plate tectonics, volcanism, and the formation of geothermal energy.

Related questions

Energy can enter the earth system from internal sources through convection and from external sources through what?

External sources of energy entering the Earth system include solar radiation and cosmic rays. Solar radiation, the primary external energy source, drives various processes and is essential for sustaining life on Earth. Cosmic rays, though less significant than solar radiation, also contribute to the energy balance of the planet.

What is internal and external sources?

What is internal and external sources?

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external or internal sources

Can anyone please give a few examples of internal and external sources of information?

internal sources are personnel, colleagues and the library whereas external sources can be consultants andservice providers and catalougues.

What are the sources of carbon dioxide Internal and External?

Internal sources of carbon dioxide include human respiration, while external sources include fossil fuel combustion, deforestation, and industrial processes. Both internal and external sources contribute to the overall increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, which is a key driver of climate change.

What is internal and external sources of information in marketing strategy?

Internal sources of information could be a database management system that is used by the company. Employees and management are also examples of internal sources of information. External sources are outside of the organization and harder and could include studies and market research.

What are the different sources of recruitment Explain?

The different sources of recruitment mainly include external and internal. Internal means that you hire from within while external entails sourcing for workers out of the organization.

Internal and external sources of an organization?

external sources include:- communication media supplier customer feed back banks financial instutation internal sources include:- financial report sales data transport data storage data

3 types of financing?

there are internal and external sources of financing. internal sources are things like selling assets such as computers and machinery other internal sources are retained profit and your own personal money. external sources are things like loans, grants and overdrafts.

Sources of finance for business?

A Bussiness can mobilise fund from both internal and external

Describe the Earths principal sources of internal and external energy?

The Earth's principal sources of internal energy are radioactive decay of elements in the Earth's core and residual heat from the planet's formation. External energy sources include solar radiation, which drives processes like weather patterns, ocean currents, and ecosystems. Together, these energy sources contribute to the dynamic processes shaping Earth's geology and climate.

What are the 3 types of heat sources?

The three types of heat sources are conduction, convection, and radiation. Conduction is heat transfer through direct contact, convection is heat transfer through the movement of fluids, and radiation is heat transfer through electromagnetic waves.