

How does friction help you walk?

Updated: 9/16/2023
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12y ago

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It gives you grip on the ground. Without it perhaps it would be like ice?

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Q: How does friction help you walk?
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Related questions

Can you not walk without friction?

You require friction in order to walk.

Why is friction useful?

friction is useful because without it we wouldn't be able to walk or do anything for that matter. friction lets us grip onto things with the help of gravity

How do you walk on an icy roof without slipping?

You go Ninja. Also static and sliding friction help you

Why is friction impotant when you walk?

If there were no friction between your soles and the pavement, you would be unable to apply the force needed to walk forwards. Think how difficult it is to walk on ice where the friction is low.

What force is an example of a friction?

You walk and that is the example of friction

What is examples of friction?

The fact that you can walk without sliding is an example of friction.

What happens if friction vanished?

Friction is the force that keeps a body balanced.An example of friction is the bottom of your shoe.The patterns in the shoe help the body keep balance even when we walk on a slippery floor.If there are no patterns we will slip and fall down.

Why is it difficult to walk on smooth and loose surface?

it is because smooth surfaces have less friction so when friction is less it is hard to walk

What role does friction play in the sport?

It is only because of friction that we can walk or run.

Why you do not walk in space?

You can not walk in space because of lack of friction and gravity.

How does Friction Help Us?

Friction helps us by letting us grasp things so they won't fall. Without friction you can expect to have more car accidents, and a lot of random people falling because friction helps us walk. Also airplanes in a way use friction to fly. no slaking in class

What are the helpful ways of friction?

Without friction, we couldn't walk or grip onto anything.