

How does friction move things?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Friction does not move things. Friction is the force that opposes motion between two objects that are touching. Not enough friction allows for things to move, depending on what kind of friction; the less force it has.

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Q: How does friction move things?
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What friction do to materials?

Friction can damage materials,slice,and make things move because when you touch, rub or move these things we create friction.

What force makes it harder to move things?

Friction makes it harder to move things.

What could happen if there is no friction in land?

Friction is what holds, stops things from moving. if there was no friction then things would be on the move 24/7.

What does a wheel and axel do?

it makes things move without friction

Friction is created when things slide or what over each other?


Why wheels help things move faster?

Because rolling friction is usually less than sliding friction. A cart will move easier than a sled.

What is the name of the force that can move things without touching them?

Gravity- or for some things, magnetism.

Why is friction on earth?

Friction is found anywhere where there are contact forces. If there was no friction on Earth, then we wouldn't be able to walk, pick things up, or move at all.

Do all forces make things move?

All forces make things move only if it is bigger than friction or resistance. In a vacuum (e.g. space), all forces make things move. But this is not reality.

Why is friction the evil of all motion?

Friction is what takes energy away from motion. If there was no friction, it would take a lot less energy (gas, fuel, electricity) to move things.

What is a sentence you can use for the word Friction?

Friction Is the Force that makes it harder for two things to move against one another. 1) When I rub my hands I make friction. 2) When friction is used , energy is produced.

A force which makes things move?

Any force will make things move, as long as there is no other force to counter it. (Such a counter-force may be present in the form of friction.)