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because people in china send stuff to us and we send stuff to them

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Q: How does global trade affects interdependence?
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What is the meaning of interdependence?

Mutual dependence at a global level. One country depends on another country for something and that country may depend on another country, which eventually creates global interdependence. Importing and exporting of goods and services highly contributes to global interdependence. Certain commodities such as oil have created a global interdependence between countries that produce the precious commodity and those that covet it.

Global economic interdependence and the effect of trade practices and agreements?

The economies of the world are all dependent on one another, because of these trade practices and agreements they've outlined. The trade agreements keep each country of the world accountable for their own economies and for the peaceful exchange of goods and services across the world. It is this exchange and interdependence that keeps the global economy afloat and working.

What was the primary cause of global interdependence?

The Major Cause of the Global Crisis

Understand how global trade affects a regional economy?

human-enviornmental interactions

Is global Interdependence good for America?


Is interdependence illustrated in the trade routes east to west map?

Yes, interdependence is illustrated in the trade routes east to west map. The map shows the interconnected trading routes between different regions, indicating the reliance and interdependence of various societies on each other for trade and commerce. It highlights how goods, ideas, and cultures were exchanged across vast distances, creating a global network of interdependent economies.

How are interdependence and interstate trade alike?

interstate trade

What refers to the global problem involving developed and developing nations?

Global interdependence

Interdependence between cultural region has increased as a result of advancements in?

communication technology, global trade, and travel opportunities. These advancements have allowed for increased interconnectedness and the spread of ideas, traditions, and practices across different cultural regions.

What does global interdependence mean?

Mutual dependence at a global level. One country depends on another country for something and that country may depend on another country, which eventually creates global interdependence. Importing and exporting of goods and services highly contributes to global interdependence. Certain commodities such as oil have created a global interdependence between countries that produce the precious commodity and those that covet it.Note: I did not write thisRead more: What_is_the_definition_of_global_interdependence