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Q: How does gravity affect tides and planetary orbits?
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How does the phases of the moon affect the tides at sea?

the phases of the moon don't affect tides. Tides are caused by the moon's gravity, the moon is always at the same distance from Earth. Sun also causes the tides. so if the sun and the moon are directed in the same place at Earth extra high tides occur.

How does the Moon's gravity impact the earth?

The Moon's gravity causes the tides on Earth by exerting a pulling force on the oceans. This gravitational interaction also causes a small effect on Earth's rotation, slowing it down over time. Additionally, the Moon helps stabilize Earth's axial tilt, which contributes to the planet's climate and seasons.

Why is the moon connected to the sea?

The gravitational pull of the moon creates tides in the Earth's oceans. As the moon orbits the Earth, its gravity causes the water in the oceans to bulge, creating high and low tides. This connection between the moon and the sea is known as tidal influence.

How does the Moon's orbit affect tides?

The Moon's gravitational pull causes the tides on Earth. As the Moon orbits Earth, it creates a tidal bulge that moves around the planet with the rotation of the Earth. This results in two high tides and two low tides in most coastal areas over a 24-hour period.

What does gravity have to do with the moon and the sun?

Gravity is the force of attraction between objects with mass. The moon orbits the Earth due to Earth's gravity, while the Earth orbits the sun due to the sun's gravity. The gravitational forces between these objects keep them in motion and create the orbits we observe in the solar system.

Related questions

What are caused by gravity from the moon and the sun?

The fact that the Earth and Moon remain in our respective orbits and do not go hurtling into the void. That's probably the most IMPORTANT thing.As an entirely trivial side note, the gravity of the Moon and Sun contribute to the tides in the Earth's oceans.TidesAlthough the Sun and the moon have their own special affect on the Earth, the one thing they do affect together are the tides.

How does gravity affect tides?

Tidal movements result mainly from the pull of the moons gravity on the ocean.

Does the Moon's gravity affect ocean tides?

Yes and I'm positive.

How does oceans affect the earth?

The moon's gravity causes tides on Earth.

How does the moon affect the earth's oceans?

The moons gravitational pull is what causes tides.

What variables besides the moon's gravity affect tides on earth?

The depth of the water and the shape of the coastline can affect the tides on Earth. Another variable is the configuration of the ocean basins.

Why does the moon make tides?

The moon's gravitational pull on Earth causes the ocean tides. The gravitational force creates a "stretching" effect on the Earth, with tides occurring as the Earth rotates within the "bulge" of water created by the moon's gravity.

How does the phases of the moon affect the tides at sea?

the phases of the moon don't affect tides. Tides are caused by the moon's gravity, the moon is always at the same distance from Earth. Sun also causes the tides. so if the sun and the moon are directed in the same place at Earth extra high tides occur.

Can gravity go through water?

Yes, since boats do not drift off into space. Water also contributes to gravity, part of the reason the Moon is boosted to ever higher orbits by tides.

How does tide affect gravity on earth's surface?

Tides are caused by the gravitational pull of the moon and the sun on the Earth's oceans, leading to a rhythmic rise and fall of sea levels. However, tides do not directly affect the gravity on Earth's surface. The force of gravity at any location remains relatively constant, with minor variations due to factors like altitude and the density of Earth's materials.

Does the moons orbit cause ice storms?

Not specifically. The Moon's gravity does cause Earth's tides, and tides do affect the weather, but weather is more of a local phenomenon.

What is responsible for the tides we experience here on earth?

The gravitational pull of the moon is primarily responsible for the tides we experience on Earth. The moon's gravity creates bulges of water on the side of the Earth closest and farthest from the moon as it orbits around our planet, resulting in the daily rise and fall of sea levels.