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the boundaries of time is bend on the question itself. What are you asking yourselves? do you even know. We tend to decided on relativity but that is not even the matter at hand. Its the situation that forms into the question itself. are we really even baseing these questions on human capability.

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Q: How does gravity correspond to the bending of space-time fabric?
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Who showed that gravity bent the fabric of space?

Albert Einstein first proposed the idea that gravity bends the fabric of space in 1911. He and David Hilbert fully developed it in a mathematical framework in late 1915. Arthur Eddington reported in 1919 that Einstein's predictions were correct, but there was controversy over whether his statements were valid. Measurements from the 1922 eclipse in Australia left no doubt but that Einstein was correct.

What is meant by space time and how does gravity effect the fabric of space time?

Space-time is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single unit. Spacetime is usually interpreted with space being three-dimensional and time playing the role of a fourth dimension that is of a different sort than the spatial dimensions. According to certain Euclidean space perceptions, the universe has three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. By combining space and time into a single manifold, physicists have significantly simplified a large number of physical theories, as well as described in a more uniform way the workings of the universe at both the supergalactic and subatomic level. Two-dimensional analogy of space-time distortion. Matter changes the geometry of spacetime, this (curved) geometry being interpreted as gravity. White lines do not represent the curvature of space but instead represent the coordinate system imposed on the curved spacetime, which would be rectilinear in a flat space-time. Space-time is related to space-time continuum! Rectilinear means within straight line! I think that how gravity changes space-time is amazing. I have always wanted to go to distant stars, and i am always trying to come up with ideas for making a space craft that takes very little time to travel to distant stars and planets. Ever since I heard that strong gravitational fields slow down time, while weak ones speed up time. If we could harness the power of gravity, we could put an immense gravitational field around a space craft which would slow down time therefore taking less time to reach the stars.

How does gravity form planets?

God put it there so we wouldn't fly out into space. Very thoughtful wasn't He. response to this Answer The notion of a god putting gravity on Earth 'for us' is a very old fashioned one. It shows no understanding of gravity at all, nor of science. It shows simply the narcissistic, 'humans are the best' filler that filled the space of no knowledge that existed in man before the advent of scientific reasoning. Science has not uncovered evidence for this original unsubstantiated thought of 'for us' about anything. And the more science fails to find a 'for us' in anything, the more we logically conclude that there is increasingly an unlikeliness of a 'for us' existing. Therefore we head, logically, for another thought, the anthropic principle which states, we can exist because of the way things were prior to our existence, not the 'for us' that we can exist because it was so. Evidentially it apparently wasn't made just so. But of course, naturally, we could exist if it just was anyway. Another Answer Gravity doesn't 'form' as blades of grass do not 'form' or light doesn't form. Blades of grass simply grow and light is an emanation of energy as electrons lost their energy flying to lower energy states. In the case of gravity, it is a property of the Universe. Gravity is the result (notice, not the 'formation') of the existence of masses (like planets, which do form, from accumulations of meteors) or small atoms and molecules (which form from the attraction of various particles and influences by certain forces so severly abstruse that quantum physicists are the only people adept at handling them). Mass folds spacetime (the fabric of the Universe) around itself. Imagine stretching a taut tablecloth out. This may represent flat spacetime. Now add a mass like a peach or enormous soccer ball. There is now a dent in your table cloth as you hold it up. This is an approximate analogy of how matter dents (folds) spacetime. Orbiting objects on your tablecloth, given enough speed, would skim around the edge of the dent around the soccer ball, which represents say a star or planet, and the orbiting objects (may use spherical raisins for this) are representative of planets or moons. There is another theory that gravity, in addition to folding spacetime by general relativity, is a manifestation of the transfer of gravitons between masses. Gravitons would have to be massless, to travel long distances (long distances are very abundant in gravitation- the sun's gravity, weak though gravity is as a force, can be felt theoretically as far away as the hypothetical, yet probable Oort cloud). They would emerge by a star for example and shoot off to a planet, exerting an attractive force somehow. They would be able to disobey Pauli and his exclusion principle, building up a massive (think what massive means in the case of something as weak as gravity) force between these two objects. Gravitons have been elusive enough to not yet be detected, but they are hypothesised on logical grounds. Afterall, many other forces have been shown to arise from the interaction of forces emerging from fundamental particles. Still, there is the established theory of General Relativity (curling and folding of spacetime around masses) by Mr. Albert Einstein who was born of the 14th of March.

universe size?

That depends on a LOT of factors. A wormhole can, in theory, be almost ANY size, but it is generally thought that they naturally occur on a quantum scale, as small as elementary particles. Also, why did you say 'THE' wormhole?? A wormhole is not like 'THE' Earth or 'THE' Sun. It is not one particular object, it is a thing. It is along the same lines as 'A' planet or 'A' star. It is a phenomenon of the fabric of spacetime being bent and warped to the point that a hole is punched clean through it, i.e. ther is an infinite number of possible wormholes.

What is holes in fabric called?


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Because gravity acts upon every point on earth, being that its spherical, with the same strength (force). The force of gravity is continuous throughout Earth because gravity is the result of the earth bending the fabric of spacetime around it. Spacetime thus pushes down on every point of the Earth equally.

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A planets gravity is caused by the distorting effect its mass has on the fabric of spacetime.

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Picture the fabric of spacetime as described by Einstein; bending around dense objects. Light on Earth curves because of the Earth's gravity, the way Earth warps spacetime. While you hear the bending of light mentioned most often in relation to black holes, any gravitational field can affect light - although not as much as near a black hole!

Why was the therory of relativity good?

It is "good" because it brilliantly explains Gravity in a completely new way using spacetime distortion of the four-dimensional fabric.

Why is there no friction from planetary bodies as they move through the fabric of spacetime?

Because spacetime is not actually a fabric, nor is it a solid or liquid or gas that friction can be created with.

How does gravity conform to the bending of the space time fabric?

I'll use one of the favourite analogies, I think this is from a popular science book by Kaku(I'm not sure, maybe someone can help tell if I'm right about the author). Imagine a 2 dimensional worm crawling on a piece of paper. If we crumple a paper and then put the worm on it, it will move sideways as if it is experiencing a force, this is because it can't see the third dimension(height), hence it can't percieve the crumpled paper. All it sees is that it changes direction as if a force is acting on it, whereas in reality it's the folds on the paper that is the culprit! Similarly, gravity is bending of the spacetime fabric that's 4 dimensional, which we percieve as a force in 3 dimensions.

What are the effects of a large mass on space?

Large mass (in astronomical terms) bend and distort the fabric of spacetime.

Why is the strength of gravity higher in nearby rocks?

All energy and matter (which are the same thing) makes the fabric of spacetime curve. The curvature of spacetime is what we interpret as gravity. Therefore all material things attract each other by gravity. Rocks are matter. --- All matter attracts other matter. The force of gravity increases with the total mass and decreases inversely with distance. Dense, heavy objects will have more mass, and those nearby have a greater local gravitation than less dense matter or matter farther away. But the Earth is so much larger than any collection of rocks that the gravity of the rocks is negligible by comparison.

What is time in Relativity theories?

Time is the distortion of the four dimensional spacetime fabric. The more distorted the fabric is, the slower time travels. Search Time Dilation for more information

What makes earth have gravity?

The fact that it has mass which distorts the fabric of space-time. This in turn creates gravity.

What is spacetime?

Spacetime can be looked at as a "fabric" of space and time. It is composed of the 3-dimentional space we are familiar with and by time. Answer improved: Spacetime is composed of three vector space displacement dimensions (ix +jy +kz) and one distance(time) dimension ct. This constitutes a quaternion space as defined by William Rowan Hamilton with i^2=j^2=k^2 = ijk= -1 . Quaternions provide a proper mathematical space with a point p=ct + ix +jy +kz and p^2 = ((ct)^2 -(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)) + 2ct(ix + jy + kz) Minkowski's spacetime is mathematically improper (not a divisions algebra).

Does gravity affect the speed of light?

Gravity affects the fabric of space-time. So both space and time will be distorted.