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There is no gravity in space, therefore there is no gravity to help a rocket landing on the moon.

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Q: How does gravity help in rocket landing on moon?
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Did the moon landing help your unedrstanding of gravity?

Probably very little, if any at all. Our understanding of gravity had to be pretty darn good in the first place or the moon landing could not have succeeded.

What was Neil Armstrong's rocket called for moon landing?

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How does a lunar landing craft stay on the moon?

Due to the Moon's gravity

Why is it easier for a rocket to take off from the moon?

Gravity is weaker because the moon has less mass.

Why is landing on the moon different from landing on the earth?

The Moon is not the Earth. There is no atmosphere on the Moon. There is much less gravity on the Moon. You fly different vehicles on the Moon nd on the Earth.

The moon has no gravity but the rocket lands on it How?

The moon has gravity, all mass in the universe has gravity, but the moon being much smaller than the Earth it has less gravity compared to it, about 16% of the Earth's gravity.

Why is landing on the earth after a space journey different from landing on the moon?

Because the Earth's gravity is much stronger than the Moon's. Due to the presence of atmosphere and a stronger gravity power on earth.

How high would a rocket go on the moon compared to earth?

If a rocket is launched from the moon it will travel faster and longer, as it has less gravity.

How did the moon landing affect the world?

i think it's a matter of gravity.

What rocket did neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin go to the moon for the first moon landing?

USA 215 (Actually, it was a Saturn Five rocket, I think the prior answerer is making a joke!). The actual landing was in the Lunar Module "Eagle".

What was the first moon landing rocket's name?

The first moon landing rocket that brought humans to the moon was Apollo 11, with all the flights before like Apollo 10, including the Gemini and Mercury Projects being test flights leading up to this one. The rocket was able to successfully land Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on the moon and bring them back.

What rocket first landed on the moon?

On September 13, 1959, the Soviet rocket Lunik II hit the Moon. More of a crash than a landing, but it was the first craft from Earth to touch the moon.