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Q: How does gunpowder affect us now?
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What are factors that affect the presence of gunpowder residues?

factors that affect the presence and amount of gunpowder resue is to learn u more and thats all

What affects has gunpowder had on society?

Gunpowder shortens wars. Since everybody has the stuff now it probably does not affect the outcome, but just lets the combatants kill each other faster and so achieve the outcome sooner.

How did the development of gunpowder affect castle?

i love you

How would the use of gunpowder affect the attack on a walled city?

i think that the gunpowder can be used as bullets and it can knock down the wall

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The discovery of polonium doesn't affect us.

Does civil disobedience affect us now a days?

It can do.

How has gunpowder benefited us?

it lets us make fireworks,guns and bombs

How have gunpowder help us out?

Gun powder helps us shoot people.

How did the idea of Samuel and Eli Whitney affect manufacturing in the US?

I don't now

When did gunpowder come to US?

On the first bonfire night I think

What affect did gunpowder weapons jave on samurai and knights?

gunpowder was a primitive technology at the time. Although the Samurai didn't have gunpowder they relied on the rescission of their swords or katana blades. Basically they had a pair and fought like men. Gun powder is for straight pussies.

Which building was target of the gunpowder plot?

The target of the gunpowder plot in 1605 was: the House Of Lords. Now these days we celebrate that event on the 5th of November. The poem is:"Remember, remember the 5th of November.The Gunpowder treason and plots.I know no reason why gunpowder treason shall ever be forgot"