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They can change into coal

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Vincent Hilpert

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12y ago


What happens to cookie dough when you put it in the oven? The heat of the oven produces changes in the ingredients that make them interact and combine. Without melting the dough, the heat changes it into a whole new product - a cookie.

A similar process happens to rocks beneath the earth's surface. Due to movements in the crust, rocks are frequently pulled under the surface of the earth, where temperatures increase dramatically the farther they descend. Between 100 and 200 kilometers (62 and 124 miles) below the earth's surface, temperatures are hot enough to melt most rocks. However, before the melting point is reached, a rock can undergo fundamental changes while in a solid state - morphing from one type to another without melting.

An additional factor that can transform rocks is the pressure caused by tons of other rocks pressing down on it from above; heat and pressure usually work together to alter the rocks under the earth's surface. This kind of change, which results from both rising temperature and pressure, is called metamorphism, and the resulting rock is a metamorphic rock.

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How does metamorphic rocks change into sedimentary rocks?

by heat & pressure

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How do rocks change form?

Heat and pressure

What do rocks do under heat and pressure?

rocks can change form. There are three main types of rocks, sedimentary, Metamorphic and igneous. igneous. sedimentary rocks are rocks formed from sediment. Metamorphic rocks are rocks formed from heat and pressure. If other rocks are put under heat and pressure then they have a chance to change into metamorphic.

How does heat change rooks to metamorphic rocks?

Heat along with pressure change rocks to metamorphic, increasing density as well.

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heat and pressure.

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How do metamorphic rocks change?

they change because under heat or pressure

What cause rocks to change form and become metamorphic rocks?

heat and pressure

What is rock that is changed by heat pressure or chemical change?

Metamorphic rocks have been changed by heat or pressure. This can be a change in size, shape, or arrangement of minerals.

How do metamorphic rocks change from their original form?

Heat and Pressure

How does the weight of the earths crust help to form metamorpic rocks?

Weight causes density, density causes pressure, pressure causes heat. Heat and pressure change rocks into other rocks, which are metamophic.