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In simple terms, an atom with an unstable nucleus will decompose because the protons and neutrons breaking away from one another. In a hydrogen nucleus, which consists only of a single hydrogen atom, there is nothing for it to break away from.

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Q: How does hydrogen atom be stable without neutrons?
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Are you still an atom without neutrons?

All of the elements with the exception of hydrogen have neutrons. So yes there is one element that doesn't need neutrons to be stable, the rest need them.

What is only atom without neutrons?


Is it possible for an atom to have no neutrons?

A hydrogen atom is only a proton and an electron. Beyond that the neutron seems to keep the nucleus together and stable. Maybe a better question is, "What is the difference between a hydrogen atom without an electron and a proton?"

What atom has 2 neutrons?

There are two atoms with two neutrons. One is hydrogen-3 which is radioactive. The other is helium-4 which is a stable and inert atom.

Name any atom without a neutron?

The most common isotope of hydrogen, hydrogen-1, has no neutrons.

Can an atom exist without neutrons?

Yes. Most hydrogen atoms do not contain neutrons. All other atoms do.

Which element does not have any neutron in this atom?

Hydrogen is the only element without any neutrons.

Are there neutrons in a hydrogen atom?

No, a Hydrogen atom does not contain any neutrons. It only has one proton and one electron.

How many neutrons does a stable atom of Zn have?

35 neutrons

Atom that has a nucleus with no neutrons?


How many neutrons are in the atom of Hydrogen?

The number of neutrons in a hydrogen atom will depend on which isotope of hydrogen we consider. Not all hydrogen atoms have the same number of neutrons. The vast majority of hydrogen atoms (over 99.98%) have no neutrons at all. Some have 1 (and this is called deuterium) and some have 2 (called tritium). These two isotopes occur naturally but are rare, as can be seen.To determine the number of neutrons in an atom, you must use the mass number, which is the sum of the number of protons and the number of neutrons. Since the atomic number of the element (for H, the atomic number is 1) tells you the number of protons, you can find the number neutrons by subtraction.See the Related Questions to the left for how to count the number of protons, neutrons and electrons in any atom of any element.

Is the mass number of an atom equal to the atomic number?

Only if the atom is hydrogen-1! The mass number of the atom is equal to the sum of the numbers of protons, which is the same as the atomic number, plus the number of neutrons. The only non-radioactive atom without neutrons is hydrogen-1.